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Author Topic: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot  (Read 36318 times)

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Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« on: April 09, 2017, 03:54:55 AM »
Heyo  ;)

Here is the Thread, where you can put in your Suggestions & Feature-Requests for GunBot.

Also try to explain the exact logic behind each suggestion. Like step by step.

Mine would be:

Remove the need to save settings first, but use standard settings instead for each coin, if no previous setting exists
now you have to save all coins first

remove the bug window coming up, if you press supergun a second time
if gunbot is running, ignore second request, when button is pressed

Option to save Api-Keys, if you start gunbot.exe

• Add self explaining messages after error code
like: 429 - temporarily banned due to overuse of api
or something more clear for everyone

• Add better Stats
Open Positions: 1
Position: buy@0.000123
Last Sell: sell@0.000234
Profit: 0,11 btc (so far trading this coin with gunbot)
Something like this, more sorted and nice colors.

• Trade on Fibonacci Levels
If it hit's a lower fibonacci level quickly (big volume, high sells, bigger red candle), buy on fib level 50%, 38,2% and 23,6% and sell on next fibonacci level

Edit 10.04.2017:
Option or Setting to exit on % Profit
Example: Sell Position if coin/Position has reached 50%+, ignore other settings and exit, allow tolerance of 1-5% below like AltcoinX goes 0.0012 -> 0.0018 , sell for 0.00178, so ist actually gets sold and don't get stuck, because it was not Matched. Also a tolerance value must be added or like position sell X% below actual value.

Example Values for settings:

Those are a few, with different priority.
You might implement them step by step as think @ Gunthar

You're welcome to add your suggestions here as well:

Have a great day.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 01:24:00 AM by Pro »

Offline zardos

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2017, 10:55:02 PM »
This may not be the way Gunthar is going, but:

I'd like to see a "real GUI" for the bot instead of scrolling text.   Put the SELL price and BUY price is a UI that doesnt scroll... in a .... "Window".   Put other info too like how close it is to buying or selling, maybe as a progress bar.   Show last prices.   Maybe have buttons that do things.  Like one to force a sell/buy at market price.  A button to clear old buy orders and reset to BUY mode....   just brainstorming here.. But mainly, getting a static UI instead of scrolling text.

To be clear, I'm not criticizing, just suggesting!

Offline Kuriso

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2017, 11:13:09 PM »
Keep trade pairs separate
I would like to trade btc/xmr and usdt/xmr but the trades get mixed up if you run at the same time.  I was testing it last night.  Some XMR was bought with BTC but then sold under the USDT pair I had running at the same time.  The BTC, ETH, XMR, and USDT markets should be treated as separate trade pairs. 

Offline Gunthar

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2017, 11:53:48 PM »
Keep trade pairs separate
I would like to trade btc/xmr and usdt/xmr but the trades get mixed up if you run at the same time.  I was testing it last night.  Some XMR was bought with BTC but then sold under the USDT pair I had running at the same time.  The BTC, ETH, XMR, and USDT markets should be treated as separate trade pairs.

the problem is doesnt matter how much you keep them separated: you will always use the same balance on poloniex

Offline criptonauta

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2017, 12:28:00 AM »
I'd like to have displayed in pair screen, the current level Gunbot is trying to buy or sell
   ✔ FAST, APPROVED AND EASY Escrow for used GunBot licenses @ 5% ..:..Gunbot licenses 10% off: 'Criptonauta_Gun' code. | Tuning, Custom Strats | No VPS? Get yours here   ✔

Offline Gunthar

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2017, 12:34:57 AM »
I'd like to have displayed in pair screen, the current level Gunbot is trying to buy or sell
point taken

Offline Kuriso

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2017, 12:49:53 AM »
Keep trade pairs separate
I would like to trade btc/xmr and usdt/xmr but the trades get mixed up if you run at the same time.  I was testing it last night.  Some XMR was bought with BTC but then sold under the USDT pair I had running at the same time.  The BTC, ETH, XMR, and USDT markets should be treated as separate trade pairs.

the problem is doesnt matter how much you keep them separated: you will always use the same balance on poloniex

Yes, but couldn't the bot track the balance bought from each pair and only trade the balance from said pairs?  If the bot is closed and reopened, it needs to check the polo balance with the balance in the log.  If the balance is different, alert user with a set of options to continue.  This type of tacking could be useful for running both types of bots at the same time.  Sometime 1000trades is more useful than Supergun and vice versa.  While one bot is waiting to buy, the other bot could be doing something.

It would be nice to even separate out the bots for each base coin.  There needs to be separate config text for each coin pair anyways.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 12:53:39 AM by Kuriso »

Offline Gunthar

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2017, 01:04:25 AM »
Keep trade pairs separate
I would like to trade btc/xmr and usdt/xmr but the trades get mixed up if you run at the same time.  I was testing it last night.  Some XMR was bought with BTC but then sold under the USDT pair I had running at the same time.  The BTC, ETH, XMR, and USDT markets should be treated as separate trade pairs.

the problem is doesnt matter how much you keep them separated: you will always use the same balance on poloniex

Yes, but couldn't the bot track the balance bought from each pair and only trade the balance from said pairs?  If the bot is closed and reopened, it needs to check the polo balance with the balance in the log.  If the balance is different, alert user with a set of options to continue.  This type of tacking could be useful for running both types of bots at the same time.  Sometime 1000trades is more useful than Supergun and vice versa.  While one bot is waiting to buy, the other bot could be doing something.

It would be nice to even separate out the bots for each base coin.  There needs to be separate config text for each coin pair anyways.

I think like CAT does at a certain point you would build a pool of dust: satoshis coming out from fees (which you never know the amount until after the trade)
CAT just uses an option to send that dust to the buy pool or back to balance, i guess we can do the same.
Will ealborate and will report back to you.

Offline Kuriso

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2017, 03:32:10 AM »
Configurable, variable trade strategy based on current market conditions
I think we could really use a variable trade strategy system that uses configurable options to override the general trade strategy.  Ideally it would modify the strategy so that if market is shoots up 10% or more (based on configs), the override would kick in so the bot buys quick and sells quick.  If market is down 10%, the variable strategy would buy and hold for a 5-8% profit (based on configs).  This is a simple generalization of a plan but something that I use for manual trading.  The idea would be to incorporate a configurable strategy that will allow for day trading based on the 3 level system but adjust your overall strategy based on what the market is doing.  Could included a modified stop loss that is activated for this variable strategy.  I think it would help to reduce bagholding but also increase gains for those days when the markets run red. 

Another config option I would like to have is a Double Down.  If market price falls xx% below last purchase price, buy xx btc worth.  Let the bot adjust the sell point based on the new Double Down average.  This would be another useful feature to include with the order tracking I talked about above.

What are your thoughts?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 03:38:21 AM by Kuriso »

Offline jroddingham

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2017, 08:57:26 PM »

I am thinking about this today in the chat, figured I would post it up. I am noticing most of my bagholding occurs when a purchase is made, and price simply never makes it to level 2, on a sell level 3. In this case, the bot decides to hold and wait. when you're the 'maker' you will incur the .15% fee. I would say that if the price rises above .15% after purchase, it sets a flag that enables the stop loss sell. It will be allowed to rise and see if it can get to between 2 and 3, but if it doesn't, and falls to levels approaching the original buy level, it should simply sell and preserve the capital to survive for the next buying opportunity. Sometimes you just end up on a long downtrend and would be better off where you started to have BTC ready to point to another pair.

That would be where the multiple buys along a curve would come in. You could have it detect that you've gone below your original buy level, (and EMA) and have a configurable way to buy more on the way down while supergun is watching the pricing trend.

my .02

« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 01:39:55 AM by jroddingham »

Offline boekenbox

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2017, 09:34:11 PM »
Reinvest all capital gains

I'd love to see a feature where Gunbot automatically increases the max balance to trade. After each buy/sell sequence, the last sold amount in btc will be set as the new max balance to trade for the next buy. This way no btc is left unused.


Initial setup:
Max balance to trade: 0.1 btc

*starts pair*
bot buys for 0.1 btc, sells for 0.11 btc

*new max balance to trade will be 0.11*
bot buys for 0.11 btc, sells for 0.12 btc

*new max balance to trade will be 0.12*
bot buys for 0.12 btc, sells for 0.13 btc

« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 06:22:14 AM by pim »

Offline InfiniteLight

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2017, 10:22:17 AM »
I couldn't agree more with these suggestions.
Automatically switching strategies, auto stop-loss at break even point or auto sell at 0.15-1.999% gain if a certain amount of time passes or if it recognizes that your BTC would earn more from a different pair at that given time...
Having the bot differentiate between manual trade balances and balances from different trading strategies or pairs (ETH:xxx, ETH:USDt, BTC:ETH, etc) and only be allowed to sell balances each individual strategy bought. I would like the option to allow the bot to trade our manual balances or leave them alone (in each strategy and pair).
And reinvesting profits... this is definitely an option I would love to see!!

Offline hynyxtvia

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2017, 11:53:21 AM »
Allow (through an option somewhere) to allow pair-specific configs to override all-configs

This may look like a reversal of the recent update that allowed all-pairs to override individual.

I'm requesting the option to once again allow individual to override all pairs, perhaps through an option (so as to not affect users who are now relying on individuals having highest priority) - for example, being able to run with a flag:
./gunthy-linuxx64 BTC_LBC poloniex --pair-priority=0

Or anything to the same effect.

My reason for requesting this is that it will allow 'general' settings to be used by default, but individual pairs to be tuned based on preferences/market conditions/etc. without affecting all the other pairs in the same directory that wish to follow the general config.

Offline Nigredo

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2017, 09:27:39 AM »
These are my 2cents on a couple of features that I really would like to see on the gunbot.

Keep track of phantom buys
I don't know if this happens also on Kraken/Bittrex, but sure it does in Poloniex and that's a problem:
Sometimes the gunbot places an order, but it doesn't get fulfilled because the market swings during the bot lag. The result is that there is an open buy/sell order on Poloniex. The problem is that, in this situation, the bot thinks that the order took place, for instance:
  • The bot buys, say, 3 XRP at some price X .
  • While the order is being placed the price increases to Y, so Poloniex registers an open buy order for 3 XRP at price X that cannot be fulfilled anymore.
  • The bot thinks it has 3XRP now and acts accordingly, but this is not true since the buy order is still on hold!

This is a problem because these "phantom orders" effectively lock some part of our money for nothing: When there is an open order poloniex doesn't allow to use the money placed on that order elsewhere, so we are actually wasting resources for other useful transactions!

A nice feature would be some form of autodetection for this, such that the bot automatically cancels orders that are not fulfilled and have been placed on hold.

Express the money to use in transactions as a percentage of the total balance
Many people already requested this. The idea is being able to tell gunbot "invest xxx% of my balance on every transaction". In this way we don't have to manually adjust how much we are investing as our balance increases/decreases. Every, say, 24 hours, the bot should calculate the total balance in bitcoin (considering open positions too), calculate the user defined percentage and invest that amount of money in every transaction for the next 24 hours. Then the cycle repeats.

Soft stop
This is paramount, expecially now that a probable bitcoin fork is approaching and it will probably not be wise to do any trade in the beginning of August.
To my understanding, at the moment the only way to stop the bot is to do it manually. After that, one has to manually close all the open transactions the bot made, that is, one has to manually reconvert some coins the bot bought to bitcoin. This is crazy, also because it most likely screws the work the bot does! A "soft stop" feature would work like this: The bot stops making any new transactions and keeps following only the open ones. It proceeds closing the open transactions following the specified strategy as it would have done normally. In this way, within usually 24-48h all the transactions made by the bot should be closed, and one can stop the bot safely. This feature could be implemented also in the gunbot monitor to make the managment of many different pairs not a pain.

Let me know what do you think!

Offline pookNast

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2017, 04:44:52 PM »
Volume Analysis and auto off/on on trading that pair feature for pairs under 300 volume (poloniex)

Would be helpful to have a way to keep the bot running on all the pairs, but turn off the trading capabilities if the volume falls under a threshold set. In the event that you have an open trade, it would still keep the pair running until a sell point is reached.

Offline opedroadami

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2017, 09:39:49 PM »
Volume Analysis and auto off/on on trading that pair feature for pairs under 300 volume (poloniex)

Would be helpful to have a way to keep the bot running on all the pairs, but turn off the trading capabilities if the volume falls under a threshold set. In the event that you have an open trade, it would still keep the pair running until a sell point is reached.

Nice idea. Simple and effective! Would be a nice addition.


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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2018, 05:12:43 PM »
- Enabling Strategy renaming
- Enabling Graphs labelling (like in tradeview)
- Displaying current pair value while trading

Offline bitdash

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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2018, 12:55:21 AM »
Adding Parabolic SAR as indicator or strategy.
Ability to add OBV as part of my strategy.
*I know we can do this from TradingView + Email Alert, but would prefer to be able to do so natively from Gunbot dashboard.

For now, if we have 2 or more strategies based on indicators, that two indicators need to happen in the same period.  Please allow us to keep it for next few periods (users can configure), so that both or more strategies if stay in buy/sell trigger, it will be triggerd.

+1 on the volume analysis suggestion.
Volume Analysis and auto off/on on trading that pair feature for pairs under 300 volume (poloniex)

Would be helpful to have a way to keep the bot running on all the pairs, but turn off the trading capabilities if the volume falls under a threshold set. In the event that you have an open trade, it would still keep the pair running until a sell point is reached.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 12:53:31 AM by bitdash »


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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2018, 09:47:38 PM »
It would be really great to have a wallet like tab (as in iOS CoinStats App), allowing to list each configured exchange wallet, and beeing able to set trading on/off parameters for each pair available, while beeing able to add new trading pairs... this would allow to display gain/loss for each pair, and each wallet, with several time frame (as in the iOS App).


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Re: Feature Requests & Suggestions for Gunbot
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2018, 09:48:12 PM »
It would be really great to have a wallet like tab (as in iOS CoinStats App), allowing to list each configured exchange wallet, and beeing able to set trading on/off parameters for each pair available, while beeing able to add new trading pairs... this would allow to display gain/loss for each pair, and each wallet, with several time frame (as in the iOS App).