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Author Topic: Feature Request - some aestetic-things ... what do your think ?  (Read 20763 times)

Offline magictrade

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that are not really importend things, but maybe it help or make some easier or give a better overview (;

(picture at the end (; )


you can set the max balance to trade for each pair and you can set it for all.........

maybe in the gui it where a little bit better if you can change between a "global" value and a pair-value......

maybe this is a solution ?:
you can set an global value in the "all pairs config"......
and in the gui you can write a value or you can write "global".....
and in the settingfile for the pairs is a variable for global: yes or no.........

i thing the most time, the most of us trade all pairs with one value, or not ?  and maybe adjust the value after a time (for all)......

but maybe sometimes you want to try out one or two pairs with an other value !? or you have 2-3 "special" pairs with an other majorcurrency...........

and the same for the security margin (;

another addition where, that you can choose between "pair-value", "global" and "auto".......

but "auto" is a little bit complex, becouse you need a rule, for example "gunbot should every Y (day, week, month), split the balance throught X (X= amount of pairs, or amount of pairs/2 or a value) - thats means (auto) reinvest the profit (; .......
but i thing every hour or every day is a little bit "silly" becouse the balance dont only go up, they are some days where the balance wanes and on the next day it grows and so on......
so i guess every 1-2-3-4 weeks should be ok.........


another thing is the "total profit BTC" value in the console ........
if you trade with eth or xmr or usd as majorcurrency, they is still shown "total profit BTC" but with the value of the majorcurrency......

my suggestion is,
only show the profit as the majorcurrency (only delete the "BTC" after "total profit") ^^
........and maybe log it (for each trade) (:

i think gunbot can much better log things, like the poor polo-export (:


and another thing is the window, if you start a pair........

they is a window/box in the forground (repeat or cancle).......

is it possible to do that, without this window or in the background ?

for example if you start 50 pairs and want to make other work on you computer, it take a while and it is boring ^^

maybe it where fine, if gunbot save the apikeys in a dropbox (and fix it to the secretkey ....and the market) ?

so you easy can choose it, if you add a new pair

maybe a dropbox for the pairs where fine, too.....
maybe two dropboxes for each currency or one for the pais.

maybe you can arrange the things a little bit other.....

for example.......

on the left side (buy)          on the right (sell)

BB                                        BB

buy level                              gain

(bollinger band)
% lower BB                           % upper BB

(ping pong)
buy price                              sell price

(new step gain)
buy level 1                           sell level 1

buy level 2                           sell level 2

buy level 3                           sell level 3


i like the feature to save and load configs, becouse so you can save two different configs, if you want........
and i like it, if you click on one pair (on the right side) that gunbot automatical show the settings and the console for this pair......

but maybe you can put the things on the right side together ?

you have above the pair and can click on it and below, too.....

maybe it looks a little better, if you put the start, stop, load and save things complete up or down and only one thing to click for the pair......
and i case of the exchange maybe another colour (or only a short form like P for polonie, K for Kraken and B for Bitrex) to save place ?

like this:

start     stop     save   load               gunbot v3.3 - copyright and so on




and in the upper window / settingswindow, i think it is not really nessasary to display the settings again, becouse gunbot show the settings already on the left (:

but it where very fine, if gunbot log the settings for each trade (;


and on fullscreen, i dont can read the last setting ......
i think "bot failure delay" ??


and maybe you can renounce for the explanations and in case of this make an screenshot or an short paper, where is discribed, which setting is for what........

how i say, thats only  little things and not really importend.........

i think the night version is very great, and gunther had made a great work !

but sadly it not really work for me completly ):

much errors on polo and kraken (bitrex-iam not shure, i dont use it)

but what do your thing ?? (:

(i dont have change the poloniex-BTC_SC thing) and it was a fast work (;

i have try my best, sorry for mistakes and so on (;

that are all only "inspiration", gunbot is great, but the problems are the eroors atm ):

@ gunthar, if you like my ideas, than i maybe can try to help you, to programm.......
i can programm in different languages, but i dont know wich one you use........and sadly i have much work/problems atm ):

« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 07:52:11 PM by magictrade »

Offline magictrade

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Re: Feature Request - some aestetic-things ... what do your think ?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 01:46:16 PM »

new version with "trailing" buy/sell