I set up automatic Tradinview Alerts via GUNTHY.
I followed all the settings explained here:
https://wiki.gunthy.org/how-to-work-with-gunbot/extras/tradingview-add-onI set up the following Sell Cardano alert in Tradingview:
From the following documentation:
SELL_EXCHANGE_USDT-BTC_100 (Sell BTC for USDT with a trading limit 100 USDT)
What happened was that instead of selling 10 ADA - IT sold my full portfolio of ADA?
I set the trading limit in Gunthy to be 10000, and still, it sold everything much more than the trading limit buy. Also, by setting it to SELL_BINANCE_USDT-ADA_10 it should have a trading limit of 10ADA? Right?
Can someone please help me here. It seems like the Alert Execution settings on automatic trading is not working, or the settings on my USDT-ADA Pair settings.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Its Gunthy version 22