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Author Topic: What a buggy bot this is  (Read 12546 times)

Offline Charunks

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What a buggy bot this is
« on: October 28, 2020, 05:59:37 AM »
Hello, could someone help me?

Problem 1.

Currenctly I am running normal 'long' BBTA-BBTA strategy on v18.3. Ive decided to retry this strategy. In the past  the BBTA-sell function seemed buggy, though i did not have the time to properly research it, and tssl was a safe alternative. after research, modelling, simming and cross referencing results with tradingview I have the framework to focus on a BBTA-sell. 

I've noticed that GB turns the buy and sell levels around. See screenshots. BBTA-sell levels are at 40%. At first I could not  understand why the sell was near the low BB-band enveloppe, untill i realised that the sell-level represented the purchasing level of the coin. The buy level then makes sense as well, it is the sell level. Numerically this is also what the bot does, so it does not seem to be a 'graphical' interface fluke.

How do I fix this?

Update: even though the sells and numerical values were switched the bot checked out at the BBTA40% mark.

Problem 2.
when I use GB v18.8 I get an encyclopedia's worth of errors. after lisiting the exchanges and showing my accountlevel, it rains errors and it doesnt start.
v18.3 shows the exchanges, accountlevel, waits, ponders it place in life, then starts posting trading action. - works.

Problem 3.
Gunbot v18.3 is unstable when approaching the interface (webbrowser). the bot often reboots and mentions bitrage issues a lot. I don't use bitrage.
Also when i zoom in on a coin the bot often reboots. It works fine on coinbase/gdax, but poloniex, kraken, bitfinex it happens a lot.

venting Frustration:
In my experience this is a very buggy piece of software. stoplosses dont get triggered if there is a strong candle piercing the stoplimit. single buy still produces instances in which the bot keeps buying a coin because a buy signal is generated at times (even after a supposed fix). Now sell and buy levels get swapped around. there are simply too many bugs.

I find it odd that v18.8 focusses on a turbo turbo contest edition, while the core function of the program isn't working properly.

No offense but I have been getting up at 04:50 A.M. every workday for the last year, so I could spend 1.5 hours of homework towards setting good strategies for gunbot, just before I go to my job. setting parameters, building strategy models, simming on these models, simming on tradingview, etc. It is hard work finding a strategy with good returns and high win to loss ratios. Finding buggs like this after a years worth research is frustrating. I have to account for an enormous drawback due to bot error. Its not acceptable.

edit; made the post more constructive and structured.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2020, 05:54:38 PM by Charunks »

Offline Aitor

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Re: What a buggy bot this is
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2020, 09:00:45 PM »
A few days ago v20.4.6 was released. This is the next stable version after 18.8.8 and it includes a lot of fixes and improvements: