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Author Topic: Designing the Best Ecosystem for Humans – and making it work  (Read 5323 times)

Offline daisy33

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How xHumanity is Confronting the Future

At xHumanity, they are determined to achieve this in the most efficient ways possible by utilizing an array of parameters like human values, reputation, experience, equity, trust,and reconciliation.

As for reputation, the calculation will be based on each member of the system and this is going to be dependent on the actions within the xHumanity ecosystem. These actions may consist of a vote or a post or even the reactions of the other members.

During the first stage (Cure the World) The concept of trust will build up between the users of the application and also between users and the xHumanity system.

They will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find the Fake modules but also through acts of charity.

In the second stage (Fair Economy) The ecosystem will be finalized which will offer the financial utility of the application. The Free Market and Advertise modules but also the exchange integration into the system’s economy will offer users the possibility to earn fairly.

This is the stage for xHumanity token integration into the real economy

The last stage (Free Humanity) This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stages we have taken care of designing and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents) , this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) .
   For each point of reputation earned, the user will receive 1 xCRED token
   For UBI (Universal Basic Income) every 3 months. The amount received by each active user will be equal to 1% of xCRED tokens emitted up to that time.
   xDNA coin is meant for transferring value from outside in to the xHumanity ecosystem. The emission of xDNA is fixed at 11 Billion.

xHumanity to distribute tokens soon

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