Hi anarcoteh ^^
First of all, welcome.
I came firstly to reply your email because you dmeonstrate an interest about GB more than 'what coins to choose' and also because of a point that worried me.
1) I'm running gunbot 3.3 smart edition on my Windows Server 2016 VPS. Would anyone recommend NOT doing this?
Why not going directly to Linux? As an ex windows user I can say it only appears 'scary' but it's quietly friendly, at least for Gunbot.
Servers suffer less load and are easy to deply, espacially now with so many custom tools available. Your control panel will be much suited to your own style than the win GUI, that needs to take everyone in consideration. Linux is always the first OS to receiva e release and to have bugs fixed. Also, in many VPS providers, they also charge extra for a win server. So, in my opinion, you could at least give Linux a test drive in a virtual machine to feel it. ^^
I have 2 trading accounts, one a polo and one at Kraken. In the Kraken account I have about 0.3BTC. In the Polo account I have about 14BTC. I was planning on starting on the Kraken one and just seeing how it worked, before letting it loose on the Polo account. Does anyone think this is pointless/rubbish strategy or sensible?
I consider myself as GB tuner and with many other comrades, have being making some good trades. I have the three licenses since the release of the 2 exchanges and yesterday I just 'retired' from Kraken since it presents a series of disavantages if compared to the other two. If Polo has errors, so has Kraken and with an annoying frequency. It's interface is totally unfriendly bt perhaps it's API may be yet worse. In Polo or Trex, for example, if your accounts has a pening order, it's correctly informed by the API, and appears in Gunbot like we are used to see - alongside the amount of alt, like 1234 (2345). Kraken neither shows it to us on a screen nor to Gunbot via API, and this brings problems. The slow time compared to Polo and Trex are another great incentive for you to transfer your money from Kraken and go to test Bittrex, that has a lot of coins, fast trades, low delay and with an increasing volume.
What sort of returns can you realistically expect from continuous trading. I saw one set of charts that seemed to be showing an approximate return of about 3.5% per day, but I'm gathering that this may be a high return. What sort of daily/weekly/monthly returns are you getting from your Gunbot?
It will depend on the time you will invest piloting (or not) Gunbot. Check my [url https://gunthy.org/index.php?topic=311.0]90-day journey[/url] as an example of return with a good mount of time and study invested and also check the gains Gunthar always displays using the Default settings and in autopilot. Both are good, both are profitable.
What strategies are others using? I'm going to do some testing, and will happily post back my results here to the community.
I started a pool @ Gunthys Telegram channel and the current results are:
