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Author Topic: Bittrex vs Poloniex  (Read 25450 times)

Offline aero34

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Bittrex vs Poloniex
« on: June 06, 2017, 09:53:43 PM »
Hello everyone! I've been wanting to purchase Gunbot since a while ago, but I can't decide between getting a Polo license vs a Bittrex one.

Polo has a much larger volume (Gunthar recommends running the bot on high-volume pairs), yet I absolutely hate it mainly because for some reason the site freezes every 5 minutes for me and asks me to type in a reCaptcha (seems to be country-related, I've used a proxy and this doesn't happen) [could be solved with a VPN/VPS, but still...]. Also the recent problems, DDOS attacks and recurrent errors that the site has been experiencing.

Bittrex is my go-to exchange for manual trading, has given me 0 trouble and has more alt-btc pairs, but has a much lower volume.

Having said that, what would you guys recommend? Any experiences from Bittrex Gunbot users: do you make less profit when compared to Polo?

Thanks  :D

Offline susli

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Re: Bittrex vs Poloniex
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2017, 11:53:57 PM »
bittrex asks me for capcha too after logging in 3~4 times a day. hey it is not my fault that they can't keep me logged in for more than a few minutes ???

i bought a bittrex license as i hate polo too. bittrex is US based so i feel safer for no reason as well ;D. i am completely new to gunbot so i just started it with the default BB settings and added a couple of pairs. (my amazon free aws ec2 runs out of memory if i add too many pairs.) so far so good. it made some profit, slow and steady. i was just checking it a while ago and some pairs with too low a volume didn't really trade well and got stuck without making any profit after a day. i plan to swap them out for higher volume pairs. i don't have it on polo so i can't really compare.

i am actually thinking of buying a polo (or kraken, after they fix it) license to try it out, though i might need to get another vps provider or start paying for amazon's ec2 instance with bigger memory.