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Author Topic: Help me to make up my mind on how (specifically where) to run Gunbot  (Read 14031 times)

Offline TWalsh

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This post may help other relative noobs if we can come up with a definitive list of options depending on how you want to run your Bot. (Number of Pairs/Exchanges)

First of all hi everyone, It's my first post so please be kind   :-[

I’m in a real dilemma here and was wondering if anyone could make a suggestion.

There’s so much information Here and, with a lot of it no longer relevant, I was looking to ask a specific set of questions so here it goes.

I have Gunbot and am just starting to understand how it works (and how to work it) but I’ve decided I don’t want to run my pc 24/7.
That leaves me with two options.

Option A) Run it on a Raspberry Pi (Vlmm has done a full guide on how to do this Here - Thanks Vlmm)
This would be my preferred option as it’s a one-time cost but I’ve never used a Pi before so I’d have a steep learning curve but, more importantly,  I don’t know what limitations there would be on using a Pi (GUI? etc)

A Raspberry Pi B+ has only 1GB Ram, is this enough for 50 pairs? (I believe the minimum Gunbot needs is 1GB Ram and 20GB HDD) If someone running on a Pi could give their model and Gunbot setup that’d be great. (Number of pairs & exchanges, how you interact with Gunbot, Gunthy GUI or other)

I understand once Gunbot is up and running on the Pi I possibly wouldn’t have to go near it again.
I would have it located beside my pc so I can give it a little pat on the head when it has a good day.

Then I could use a different GUI on my pc to change Gunbots settings instead. I think Zen GUI could do this but the price is far too high for one exchange, maybe if a license covered all exchanges I might consider it.

If I use vnc I think I can use the Gunthy GUI as I would on my desktop? Vlmm had pictures on Here but they seem to be gone now.

Could the Pi run more than one instance of Gunbot, I’ve seen lots of people mention they run several instances. I’m currently mostly using Bittrex to learn about Gunbot but once I have it setup the way I want I could move my Bittrex trading to the Pi and start configuring my Poloniex setup on my desktop, then move that to the Pi and start on Binnance etc.

– One-time cost


- Don’t know Pi or operating system so I’d have to learn everything from scratch. Vlmm might be able to answer if this would be everything I would need to get up and running. This comes with a 16GB Micro SD. How important is the memory capacity. I assume on a Pi this acts as the SSD so would a 32GB be more appropriate? (see above Gunbot needs 20GB?) Funnily enough it comes with NOOBS pre-installed, Should I use that or raspian. (I’ve seen some people say they run full windows on a Pi and not a paired down version)

 - Don’t know if a Pi would limit the amount of pairs you could run or if its ram/processor would limit Gunbot in any other unforeseen circumstances but let’s take worst case scenario here, Would a Pi run 50 pairs on 5 different exchanges? Could it run multiple instances of Gunbot? (How many?)

 - Data usage – vlom/vlmm said Here that on 30/Dec Gunbot used 43GB of data, I don’t know if this kind of data usage would affect other pc’s on my network for streaming etc?

Option B) A Virtual Private Server (criptonauta has some good info Here as does Cryptosticks Here)


– Always on


- Recurring cost

- Again I have no experience in remoting into something like a VPS. Most seem to be Linux which I’ve never used but some are Windows based which raises more questions like do you have to pay extra for a windows license etc. I’m getting to know Gunbot on a window 7 x64 system so I wouldn’t want to switch to something unfamiliar while I’m getting used to it. (I also don’t want to buy, or even worse, rent Gunbot it’s very own copy of windows)

Some people suggest using Amazons VPS (free for the first year)

So my questions are:

If anyone is currently using Amazon’s free server can they comment on how they find it and how many pairs/exchanges they use.
If I was to Running 50 pairs and/or multiple exchanges would this be ok on Amazons free service.

A common VPS offering seems to be RAM - 4GB, CPU – 2 Core, Cores - SSD capacity – 50GB (What’s the min space needed, How much could Gunbot use max) Bandwidth – 2TB.

Any thoughts appreciated
« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 09:23:10 AM by TWalsh »

Offline sloaleks

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I'm running 2 instances of GB on a 40 GB disk, 2 gigs RAM and single core processor VPS ... no problems.

Offline TWalsh

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Hi Sloaleks.

Interesting, I think Gunbot used to be hungrier on RAM when it came out originally but has had its efficiency tuned since. So 2GB should be fine.
(I'm still wondering if a Pi with 1GB would have any issues, hopefully vlmm will see this and comment)
Most of the VPS's I've looked at offer dual of quad core so it's good to know a single core would be ok.

I had a quick look on Amazon but I can't even find the section for their free VPS and what it offers eg. Ram, Cpu, SSD and bandwidth. I'll have another look at some stage but that landing page is a mess.

Thanks for the reply

Offline sloaleks

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you are right. gunbot is much better on resources since even version 7. in fact it gets in general much more advanced with every new iteration. there will be bugs, with every build, because new stuff gets added. but it gets more and more value for the money.
btw, my VPS is Italian if interested, the mentioned arrangement costs 7 euros per month, which is about cheap enough if running one or two instances of gunbot. I fear more is not possible, and you have to get more RAM and possibly another core if you want to run 3 or more exchanges, which will add on running costs.

Offline TWalsh

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I'm still learning about Gunbot and how & where to run it so all this is useful to me.

Can you check your vps link as it appears to be for the island of Aruba abd not a vps?

Offline TWalsh

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Thanks for the link.

Looks like they have a promo at the moment

€6.50 - 4.99
€12.50 - 9.99