Hi Rioriente,
To answer my own questions (and maybe help you in the process):
Yes, it is normal for gunbot.com to request your API Key. Once they have your API key, you will be activated on their end. Your API key will also act as your activation code once you download and install gunbot:
https://github.com/GuntharDeNiro/BTCT/releasesThe API key which you send to gunbot.com will be your "Master API Key," and again will double as your activation code. Later your can add multiple APIs for other exchanges, but must retain your original API to keep your license active.
As far as obtaining your API key from Binance:
When Binance prompts you to
Enter API Key Label, simply type in anything (gunbot will work). Proceed as prompted and Binance will provide you with your API key and secret code (save both as you will need to copy and paste into the GUI to activate your gunbot).