how to clean this list?
pm2 delete all
Are there any updated defaults I should be aware off? I only updated the gunthylinuxx86 and restarted everything.
No, I don't think so. Just updating the binary file(s) should do the job. So I think you good to go. Actually I used the update script on my to main accounts and all it does is replacing the binarys, and everything runs like it should be.
Is there a way to start pairs with different API keys? I do not use the same API for all my pairs.
Actually not without editing your configs manually. I started this as a option for people who just started using GUNBOT and just want to get it running - as this were also my first steps into it.
I do also use multiple API-Keys now and ended up in having 2 Server. But I'll add this use case to my list of features for the next version.
Can I also import my own config files and how would I start.
Ok, it could work that way:
1. You create all the config files with 'ginit' and set one of your API keys there.
2. You do not start any trade pair.
3. Now all your settings are in ALLPAIR and all of your selected pair configs are empty.
4. You can now copy your own config files and replace the created ones or edit the created files and just add the different settings you want for that pair compared to ALLPAIRS.
5. At least add the API key and secret to the config files of the trade pairs which you want to use another key than in ALLPAIRS.
6. When you done, run 'ginit' again, in the last step, select all pairs you want to start and than press 'n' on every conflict the generator is presenting you. So let it
not overwrite your files.
Now ginit should start all of your bots. I did not try that, but I think it will work that way.
If not, do all of the abouve staps, including step 5 but than run
pm2 start ./gunthy-linuxx64 --name BTC_XXX -- BTC_XXX poloniex
for every pair you want to start. delay every start by ~10 seconds.