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Author Topic: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2  (Read 158799 times)

Offline opedroadami

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #60 on: May 22, 2017, 03:02:57 PM »
The frozen console GUI was fixed with the steps above. Thank you all!

But now I'm having this "Waiting for orders: 0 ETH" like on the image below.

Not only with ETH but with lots of other pairs too.

I have to stop the pair and start it again for it to be fixed.


Checking the logs for two of the pairs with this problem, there seems to be problems with the callback and also with handling of the Not Enough BTC warning:

2017/05/22 15:34:07   [ --2017/05/22 15:34:07--poloniex--BTC_DASH  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #40 --------------- ]
2017/05/22 15:34:07   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/22 15:34:08   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 15:34:08   Low BB:0.05567609 - High BB:0.06609449
2017/05/22 15:34:08   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 15:34:10   LP 0.05896  Bal.BTC 0.01773041  Bal.DASH 0(0)
2017/05/22 15:34:10   No open orders
2017/05/22 15:34:10   boughtPrice undefined
2017/05/22 15:34:10   price  grows (16)
2017/05/22 15:34:10   PriceToBuy,590.5873,priceToSell,--not set--
2017/05/22 15:34:10   LP 589.6000000,<=,prBuy 590.5873100  secMargin 0.02362349237076923  grows yes
2017/05/22 15:34:10   no altcoins: 0
2017/05/22 15:34:10   price to buy: 0.05905873092692308
2017/05/22 15:34:10   price is sweet to buy
2017/05/22 15:34:10   price is growing
2017/05/22 15:34:10   Buying on poloniex 0.30121930122116686 of DASH for 0.05896
2017/05/22 15:34:29   2017/05/22 15:34:29 Error: Not enough BTC.
2017/05/22 15:34:29   !!! Cycle 41 failed. Will repeat in 30s
2017/05/22 15:34:59   [ --2017/05/22 15:34:59--poloniex--BTC_DASH  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #41 --------------- ]
2017/05/22 15:34:59   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/22 15:35:00   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 15:35:00   Low BB:0.05565247 - High BB:0.06597549
2017/05/22 15:35:00   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 15:35:01   LP 0.06  Bal.BTC 0.01773041  Bal.DASH 0(0)
2017/05/22 15:35:01   No open orders
2017/05/22 15:35:01   boughtPrice undefined
2017/05/22 15:35:01   price  grows (17)
2017/05/22 15:35:01   PriceToBuy,589.8956,priceToSell,--not set--
2017/05/22 15:35:01   Gunbot callback at 2017/05/22 15:35:01 cycle # 41
2017/05/22 15:35:01   Callback:
2017/05/22 15:35:01   ---------
2017/05/22 15:35:01   Waiting for orders: 0 DASH
need faster: no
need slower: no

2017/05/22 14:56:52   [ --2017/05/22 14:56:52--poloniex--BTC_ETH  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #55 --------------- ]
2017/05/22 14:56:52   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/22 14:56:52   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:56:52   Low BB:0.07684201 - High BB:0.08037168
2017/05/22 14:56:52   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:56:58   2017/05/22 14:56:58 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/22 14:56:58   !!! Cycle 56 failed. Will repeat in 30s
2017/05/22 14:57:28   [ --2017/05/22 14:57:28--poloniex--BTC_ETH  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #56 --------------- ]
2017/05/22 14:57:28   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/22 14:57:29   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:57:29   Low BB:0.07684201 - High BB:0.08037168
2017/05/22 14:57:29   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:57:31   LP 0.0761  Bal.BTC 0.00714426  Bal.ETH 0(0)
2017/05/22 14:57:31   No open orders
2017/05/22 14:57:31   boughtPrice 0.06197
2017/05/22 14:57:31   price  falls (-5)
2017/05/22 14:57:31   PriceToBuy,762.4864,priceToSell,632.0940
2017/05/22 14:57:31   LP 761.0000000,<=,prBuy 762.4864000  secMargin 0.030499455801212123  grows yes
2017/05/22 14:57:31   no altcoins: 0
2017/05/22 14:57:31   price to buy: 0.0762486395030303
2017/05/22 14:57:31   price is sweet to buy
2017/05/22 14:57:31   price is growing
2017/05/22 14:57:31   Buying on poloniex 0.09437989487516427 of ETH for 0.0761
2017/05/22 14:57:39   2017/05/22 14:57:39 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/22 14:57:39   !!! Cycle 57 failed. Will repeat in 30s
2017/05/22 14:58:09   [ --2017/05/22 14:58:09--poloniex--BTC_ETH  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #57 --------------- ]
2017/05/22 14:58:09   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/22 14:58:10   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:58:10   Low BB:0.07659415 - High BB:0.08047208
2017/05/22 14:58:10   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:58:17   2017/05/22 14:58:17 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/22 14:58:17   !!! Cycle 58 failed. Will repeat in 30s
2017/05/22 14:58:47   [ --2017/05/22 14:58:47--poloniex--BTC_ETH  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #58 --------------- ]
2017/05/22 14:58:47   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/22 14:58:48   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:58:48   Low BB:0.07659415 - High BB:0.08047208
2017/05/22 14:58:48   ***************************************************
2017/05/22 14:58:50   LP 0.07617166  Bal.BTC 0.00714426  Bal.ETH 0(0)
2017/05/22 14:58:50   No open orders
2017/05/22 14:58:50   boughtPrice 0.06197
2017/05/22 14:58:50   price  falls (-5)
2017/05/22 14:58:50   PriceToBuy,761.7712,priceToSell,632.0940
2017/05/22 14:58:50   Gunbot callback at 2017/05/22 14:58:50 cycle # 58
2017/05/22 14:58:50   Callback:
2017/05/22 14:58:50   ---------
2017/05/22 14:58:50   Waiting for orders: 0 ETH
need faster: no
need slower: no
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 04:46:33 PM by opedroadami »

Offline chemical

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #61 on: May 23, 2017, 12:05:52 AM »
Just a minor thing when running twenty six pairs  ;D
the bottom of the GUI gets cut off

Offline teknomen

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #62 on: May 23, 2017, 01:29:36 AM »

all the pairs run normal but after 2 days i try to add DOGE pair and this happens

Code: [Select]
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of 3244 is not running.
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId, String machineName)
   at ConsoleControlSample.Form2.btn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1648.0 built by: NETFXREL3STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/3.2/GUNBOT.exe
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2
    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1647.0 built by: NETFXREL3STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2
    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

    < jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.


  • Guest
Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #63 on: May 23, 2017, 04:46:38 AM »
I have just set up Gunbot and am have the same issue as Teknomen. Not sure if i have missed something but can't seem to set up any Coin Pairs. Have tried a few different ones and get the same error.

Gunthy fixed my issue. Was an key issue.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 09:02:15 PM by BlkCalais »

Offline Refus

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #64 on: May 23, 2017, 08:17:52 AM »
I am also receiving the "Navigation to the webpage has been canceled" everytime when starting any pair(I make sure to wait for the pair) on the x4 tab in 3.2 Brazil, running on Amazon Windows AWS. I was running 2.0.4 smoothly before attempting the upgrade.

Have the newest Node.js installed and also tried a fresh VPS. I have tried adding to trusted sites, and enabling everything in the Custom Level section of trusted sites and internet as advised by the telegram chat, but to no avail.

Some people in the telegram chat think it may be API key related, but I haven't made any changes to my key that I gave Gunthar originally.

Edit: API key issue. Gunthar fixed for me.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 06:33:21 AM by Refus »

Offline BitFlipp4r

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #65 on: May 23, 2017, 11:42:11 AM »
I'm having issues when starting new coins with missing bought price:

2017/05/20 14:48:38     Activating hot reconfig...
2017/05/20 14:48:38     [ --2017/05/20 14:48:38--poloniex--BTC_XRP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #1 --------------- ]
2017/05/20 14:48:38     ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/20 14:48:38     Server running at
2017/05/20 14:48:39     ***************************************************
2017/05/20 14:48:39     Low BB:0.00000000 - High BB:0.00000000
2017/05/20 14:48:39     ***************************************************
2017/05/20 14:48:41     LP 0.000181  Bal.BTC 0.04291979  Bal.XRP 109.975(0)
2017/05/20 14:48:41     No open orders
2017/05/20 14:48:41     boughtPrice undefined
2017/05/20 14:48:41     price  steady (0)
2017/05/20 14:48:41     PriceToBuy,0.0000,priceToSell,--not set--
2017/05/20 14:48:41     we have altcoins: 109.975
2017/05/20 14:48:41     2017/05/20 14:48:41 Error: Missing boughtPrice
2017/05/20 14:48:41     !!! Cycle 2 failed. Will repeat in 60s
2017/05/20 21:00:31     Activating hot reconfig...
2017/05/20 21:00:31     [ --2017/05/20 21:00:31--poloniex--BTC_XRP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #1 --------------- ]
2017/05/20 21:00:31     ::::: collecting market data...

It works if I set SELL_ON_START to true... however this not an option if I don't want to sell my current altcoins.
I'm starting the bot with console commands (Version 3.2. Brazil)

Offline beer-k0in

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #66 on: May 23, 2017, 11:17:29 PM »
Buying and Poloniex error 422 result in less log output
(gunthy-linuxx64 binary from the GUNBOT_v3.2_GUI_edition_all_CPU on ubuntu 16.04.)

Bot wants to buy, but the buy request results in a 422

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:35:14 [ --2017/05/23 13:35:14--poloniex--BTC_MAID  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #797 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:35:14 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:35:17 LP 0.0001765  Bal.BTC 0.30091175  Bal.MAID 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:35:17 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:35:17 boughtPrice 0.00016775
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price  falls (-3)
2017/05/23 13:35:17 PriceToBuy,1.7716,priceToSell,1.7614
2017/05/23 13:35:17 LP 1.7650000,<=,prBuy 1.7715878  secMargin 0.0000708635135333334  grows yes
2017/05/23 13:35:17 no altcoins: 0
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price to buy: 0.00017715878383333349
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price is sweet to buy
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price is growing
2017/05/23 13:35:17 Buying on poloniex 311.61523087818694 of MAID for 0.0001765
2017/05/23 13:35:21 2017/05/23 13:35:21 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:35:21 !!! Cycle 798 failed. Will repeat in 66s

Next cycle is also a 422

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:36:27 [ --2017/05/23 13:36:27--poloniex--BTC_MAID  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #798 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:36:27 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:36:31 2017/05/23 13:36:31 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:36:31 !!! Cycle 799 failed. Will repeat in 66s

Since that, the log looks like this. I do not know if the bot is just skipping output or is in an bad state. But there where no trades after cycle 799.
Restart helps.

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:37:37 [ --2017/05/23 13:37:37--poloniex--BTC_MAID  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #799 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:37:37 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:37:43 LP 0.00017681  Bal.BTC 0.30091175  Bal.MAID 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:37:43 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:37:43 boughtPrice 0.00016775
2017/05/23 13:37:43 price  falls (-3)
2017/05/23 13:37:43 PriceToBuy,1.7715,priceToSell,1.7614
2017/05/23 13:37:43 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/23 13:37:43 cycle # 799
2017/05/23 13:37:43 Callback:
2017/05/23 13:37:43 ---------
2017/05/23 13:37:43 Waiting for orders: 0 MAID
2017/05/23 13:37:43 next delay will be 55.5s

Same with BB:

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:27:08 [ --2017/05/23 13:27:08--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #514 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:27:08 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:27:09 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:27:09 Low BB:0.09739015 - High BB:0.13685431
2017/05/23 13:27:09 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:27:11 LP 0.107  Bal.BTC 0.67201412  Bal.ZEC 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:27:11 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:27:11 boughtPrice 0.09772085
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price  falls (-7)
2017/05/23 13:27:11 PriceToBuy,1076.5083,priceToSell,1026.0689
2017/05/23 13:27:11 LP 1070.0000000,<=,prBuy 1076.5083000  secMargin 0.04306033333639771  grows yes
2017/05/23 13:27:11 no altcoins: 0
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price to buy: 0.10765083334099426
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price is sweet to buy
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price is growing
2017/05/23 13:27:11 Buying on poloniex 0.514518691588785 of ZEC for 0.107

2017/05/23 13:28:22 2017/05/23 13:28:22 Error: Order execution timed out.
2017/05/23 13:28:22 !!! Cycle 515 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:29:28 [ --2017/05/23 13:29:28--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #515 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:29:28 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:29:28 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:29:28 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:29:28 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:29:36 2017/05/23 13:29:36 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:29:36 !!! Cycle 516 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:30:42 [ --2017/05/23 13:30:42--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #516 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:30:42 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:30:42 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:30:42 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:30:42 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:30:47 2017/05/23 13:30:47 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:30:47 !!! Cycle 517 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:31:53 [ --2017/05/23 13:31:53--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #517 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:31:53 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:31:53 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:31:53 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:31:53 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:31:58 2017/05/23 13:31:58 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:31:58 !!! Cycle 518 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:33:04 [ --2017/05/23 13:33:04--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #518 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:33:04 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:33:04 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:33:04 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:33:04 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:33:08 LP 0.10780009  Bal.BTC 0.67201412  Bal.ZEC 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:33:08 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:33:08 boughtPrice 0.09772085
2017/05/23 13:33:08 price  falls (-7)
2017/05/23 13:33:08 PriceToBuy,1077.5506,priceToSell,1026.0689
2017/05/23 13:33:08 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/23 13:33:08 cycle # 518
2017/05/23 13:33:08 Callback:
2017/05/23 13:33:08 ---------
2017/05/23 13:33:08 Waiting for orders: 0 ZEC
2017/05/23 13:33:08 next delay will be 111s

Gunbot Monitor
Support gmon and send a tip: BTC wallet: 1GJCGZPn6okFefrRjPPWU73XgMrctSW1jT

Offline Klon552

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #67 on: May 24, 2017, 01:35:35 AM »
Some people already mentioned it in the chat:

Sometimes the bot got stuck on a buy order. I use 3.2 no GUI. Windows 2008 R2.

Server time: 2017-05-24 00:17 UTC

And i have No Neos or NXC in my bag.

NXC seems ok:
Code: [Select]
[ --2017/05/24 00:27:19--poloniex--BTC_NXC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #534 --------------- ]
::::: collecting market data...
Low BB:0.00008496 - High BB:0.00009044
LP 0.00008927  Bal.BTC 0.21447953  Bal.NXC 0(0)
Open orders
boughtPrice 0.00008556
price  steady (0)
PriceToBuy 0.8578 priceToSell 0.8727
LP 0.8927000 > prBuy 0.8577934  secMargin 0.0000343117338620842  grows no
no altcoins: 0
price to buy: 0.00008577933465521049
last price is too high
Gunbot callback at 2017/05/24 00:27:21 cycle # 534
price too high
need faster: yes
need slower: no

next delay will be 46.41596604148094s

But NEOS got stuck:

Code: [Select]
[ --2017/05/22 21:20:22--poloniex--BTC_NEOS  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #53 --------------- ]
::::: collecting market data...
Low BB:0.00102671 - High BB:0.00109692
LP 0.00104951  Bal.BTC 0.21447953  Bal.NEOS 0(0)
Open orders
boughtPrice 0.00104001
price  steady (0)
PriceToBuy 10.2996 priceToSell 10.6081
Gunbot callback at 2017/05/22 21:20:23 cycle # 53
Waiting for orders: 0 NEOS  <-----this!
need faster: no
need slower: no

next delay will be 95.96648976621125s

And there were/are some other coins too. Sometimes even without a buy order:

No ARDR bag:

Code: [Select]
[ --2017/05/22 21:33:32--poloniex--BTC_ARDR  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #633 --------------- ]
::::: collecting market data...
Low BB:0.00006430 - High BB:0.00006813
LP 0.00006616  Bal.BTC 0.24476679  Bal.ARDR 0(0)
No open orders
boughtPrice 0.00006461
price  grows (9)
PriceToBuy 0.6487 priceToSell 0.6590
Gunbot callback at 2017/05/22 21:33:36 cycle # 633
Waiting for orders: 0 ARDR
need faster: yes
need slower: no

next delay will be 44.58809372024429s

Also it didnt matter if i canceled the Buy order manually before or not. And it seems its always the same coins:

for example:


and maybe some other.

Deleting the save, log, even restart the coin from scratch with "new" config doesnt seem to help, either.

If you need some additional infos, let me know.


I noticed something else. Sometimes the bot got stuck for some time (minute or so) at the end of a cycle at the red line.

2017/05/24 01:32:43   [ --2017/05/24 01:32:43--poloniex--BTC_NOTE  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #121 --------------- ]
2017/05/24 01:32:43   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/24 01:32:43   ***************************************************
2017/05/24 01:32:43   Low BB:0.00003210 - High BB:0.00003422
2017/05/24 01:32:43   ***************************************************
2017/05/24 01:32:44   --canceling buy orders
2017/05/24 01:32:44   LP 0.0000343  Bal.BTC 0.29602865  Bal.NOTE 0(0)
2017/05/24 01:32:44   No open orders
2017/05/24 01:32:44   boughtPrice 0.00003302
2017/05/24 01:32:44   price  grows (6)
2017/05/24 01:32:44   PriceToBuy,0.3217,priceToSell,0.3368
2017/05/24 01:32:44   LP 0.3430000,>,prBuy 0.3216854  secMargin 0.000012867416806722673  grows yes
2017/05/24 01:32:44   no altcoins: 0
2017/05/24 01:32:44   price to buy: 0.00003216854201680668
2017/05/24 01:32:44   last price is too high
2017/05/24 01:32:44   Gunbot callback at 2017/05/24 01:32:44 cycle # 121
2017/05/24 01:32:44   Callback:
2017/05/24 01:32:44   ---------
2017/05/24 01:32:44   price too high
need faster: no
need slower: no

2017/05/24 01:32:44   next delay will be 80.89921774715756s

2017/05/24 01:32:45   Open buy orders: ,0
2017/05/24 01:32:45   
2017/05/24 01:34:05   [ --2017/05/24 01:34:05--poloniex--BTC_NOTE  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #122 --------------- ]
2017/05/24 01:34:05   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/24 01:34:06   ***************************************************
2017/05/24 01:34:06   Low BB:0.00003210 - High BB:0.00003425
2017/05/24 01:34:06   ***************************************************
2017/05/24 01:34:08   LP 0.00003375  Bal.BTC 0.28602841  Bal.NOTE 0(0)
2017/05/24 01:34:08   No open orders
2017/05/24 01:34:08   boughtPrice 0.00003302
2017/05/24 01:34:08   price  grows (4)
2017/05/24 01:34:08   PriceToBuy,0.3218,priceToSell,0.3368
2017/05/24 01:34:08   LP 0.3375000,>,prBuy 0.3217773  secMargin 0.000012871091666666647  grows no
2017/05/24 01:34:08   no altcoins: 0
2017/05/24 01:34:08   price to buy: 0.000032177729166666615
2017/05/24 01:34:08   last price is too high
2017/05/24 01:34:08   Gunbot callback at 2017/05/24 01:34:08 cycle # 122
2017/05/24 01:34:08   Callback:
2017/05/24 01:34:08   ---------
2017/05/24 01:34:08   price too high
need faster: no
need slower: no

2017/05/24 01:34:08   next delay will be 80.89921774715756s

The Bot didnt buy NOTE nor was there an buy order in "open orders".
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 02:41:54 AM by Klon552 »

Offline zardos

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #68 on: May 24, 2017, 07:11:18 AM »
The frozen console GUI was fixed with the steps above. Thank you all!

But now I'm having this "Waiting for orders: 0 ETH" like on the image below.

Not only with ETH but with lots of other pairs too.

I have to stop the pair and start it again for it to be fixed.

THIS ^^^^^   
In Telegram, many many are talking about this issue.  It's the main issue I have every day.   I just looked at my 10 pairs, and 3 of them were stuck in this waiting for 0 order state.    Granted, some had BUY orders waiting... BUT, these buy orders were WAY down on the chart -- nowhere near a buy point.   So I have to manually close the BUY order (sometimes there isn't a buy order, it's just stuck with no orders), and restart the bots every 6 hours.   Hope you can figure out what is going on here!

Offline TopPlayer

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #69 on: May 24, 2017, 10:30:28 AM »
The frozen console GUI was fixed with the steps above. Thank you all!

But now I'm having this "Waiting for orders: 0 ETH" like on the image below.

Not only with ETH but with lots of other pairs too.

I have to stop the pair and start it again for it to be fixed.

THIS ^^^^^   
In Telegram, many many are talking about this issue.  It's the main issue I have every day.   I just looked at my 10 pairs, and 3 of them were stuck in this waiting for 0 order state.    Granted, some had BUY orders waiting... BUT, these buy orders were WAY down on the chart -- nowhere near a buy point.   So I have to manually close the BUY order (sometimes there isn't a buy order, it's just stuck with no orders), and restart the bots every 6 hours.   Hope you can figure out what is going on here!

Same here.

Offline maruaria

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2017, 12:34:43 PM »
Security Margin Issue

The security margin is calculated by the price to buy, not the last buy price..

Now, [security margin] = [price to buy] * (1 - [security margin %])

it should be, [security margin] = [last buy price] * (1 - [security margin %])

In this screenshot
security margin % = 60%
security margin = 0.00004144
price to buy       = 0.00010363 => 4144/10363 = 0.400
last buy price    = 0.00010700 => 4144/10700 = 0.387 = wrong

Offline adxatand

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2017, 09:55:11 PM »
I have this issue as well 3.2 gui, but im running it from cmd.  It gets stuck fairly frequently.  I've had to reset ETH and a few other pairs at least 3-4 times in the last few hours, and it hasn't tried to place any orders in that time for any of the affected pairs.  I'm running about 20 pairs total on t his server.

The frozen console GUI was fixed with the steps above. Thank you all!

But now I'm having this "Waiting for orders: 0 ETH" like on the image below.

Not only with ETH but with lots of other pairs too.

I have to stop the pair and start it again for it to be fixed.

THIS ^^^^^   
In Telegram, many many are talking about this issue.  It's the main issue I have every day.   I just looked at my 10 pairs, and 3 of them were stuck in this waiting for 0 order state.    Granted, some had BUY orders waiting... BUT, these buy orders were WAY down on the chart -- nowhere near a buy point.   So I have to manually close the BUY order (sometimes there isn't a buy order, it's just stuck with no orders), and restart the bots every 6 hours.   Hope you can figure out what is going on here!

Same here.

Offline sinabu

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #72 on: May 26, 2017, 12:23:21 AM »
Along with the Waiting on Order O xxx Error I started noticing the last digit is getting cut off. Even starting doesn't fix the issue

Last price and last buy order price both are missing the 8th digit past the decimal and then Price to buy is expanding out way past the 8th. Wasn't sure if that was intentional or not on the last part.

Offline Philippe1987

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #73 on: May 26, 2017, 10:16:28 AM »
Hi all,

When I click the statistics button and go to the best currencies tab, all I see is this:

When I open the log file, I see the bot generated the best currencies, but it just doesn't show in the GUI. :(

A friend of mine who also owns the bot has the exact same issue.


Offline dj31

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #74 on: May 26, 2017, 07:04:24 PM »
Hi all,

When I click the statistics button and go to the best currencies tab, all I see is this:

The text was there for me, but the color was inverted.    Try to select some text with your mouse, you should see it.

Offline cw

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2017, 07:44:23 PM »
Not sure if it's worth reporting with a new version about to come out, but I did the following (I realize probably not supported... just posting in case someone else did or noticed the same)
  • Was running build 2022 with bittrex on many pairs
  • kept getting the Waiting for orders: 0 problem
  • Stopped the bot and downgraded to build 2021
  • restarted bot
  • bot immediately fixed some of those orders and sold off some coins (YAY!)
  • I still had some bags and I watched the bot for a while, and in this market I figured maybe I didn't want BB 25/25 any more
  • I stopped the bot again and changed my configs from BB 25/25 and switched to buy:BB sell:STEPGAIN, and changed the 25 to 27
  • now even though the orders have a boughtPrice, prSell is "NaN" so I don't konw if it will sell...

Did I do a "bad thing" by making the change while orders existed?  It knows the bought price, but I did change the sell strategy, so maybe the bot sets the sell price at time of purchase, and doesn't know to re-calculate that when the bot starts... and I screwed things.

So, essentially, here's the before config:

Code: [Select]
   LOW_BB: 25,
   HIGH_BB: 25,

and the before console output:
Code: [Select]
[ --2017/05/26 13:20:59--Bittrex--BTC_XRP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #105 --------------- ]
::::: collecting market data...
Low BB:0.00012557 - High BB:0.00012954
LP 0.0001261  Bal.BTC 0.23618463  Bal.XRP 401.54242097(0)
Open orders
boughtPrice 0.00012452
price  falls (-2)
PriceToBuy 1.2373 priceToSell 1.3075
we have altcoins: 401.54242097
LP 1.2610000000000001 < prSell 1.3074600000000003  secMargin 0.0000061864827884615404  falls yes
price is too low to sell
Gunbot callback at 2017/05/26 13:21:01 cycle # 105
waiting to sell
need faster: no
need slower: no

next delay will be 38.208228131542924s

and here's the after config:
Code: [Select]
   LOW_BB: 27,
   HIGH_BB: 27,

and the after console output:
Code: [Select]
zcash@zcash1:~/bit1$ ./gunthy-linuxx64 BTC_XRP bittrex | tee -a btc_xrp-console.log
Loading config...
Loading config...
Creating market client for BTC_XRP pair
Activating hot reconfig...
[ --2017/05/26 13:25:17--Bittrex--BTC_XRP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #1 --------------- ]
::::: collecting market data...
Low BB:0.00000000 - High BB:0.00000000
LP 0.00012603  Bal.BTC 0.23618463  Bal.XRP 401.54242097(0)
Open orders
boughtPrice 0.00012452
price  steady (0)
PriceToBuy 0.0000 priceToSell --not set--
we have altcoins: 401.54242097
LP 1.2603000000000002 < prSell NaN  secMargin 0  falls no
price is too low to sell
Gunbot callback at 2017/05/26 13:25:19 cycle # 1
waiting to sell
need faster: no
need slower: no

next delay will be 45.88604473171423s

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Offline Philippe1987

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2017, 10:39:29 PM »
Indeed, now I see the text. Thanks!

Hi all,

When I click the statistics button and go to the best currencies tab, all I see is this:

The text was there for me, but the color was inverted.    Try to select some text with your mouse, you should see it.

Offline beer-k0in

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #77 on: May 28, 2017, 11:42:57 PM »
Buying and Poloniex error 422 result in less log output
(gunthy-linuxx64 binary from the GUNBOT_v3.2_GUI_edition_all_CPU on ubuntu 16.04.)

Looks like it is the combination buying and any error results in less log output and also no trades.

Another user in the Telegram chat had this problem because of an error of insufficient BTC:
(on Ubuntu 16.04.)

Buying and error
Code: [Select]
2017/05/28 07:54:02 [ --2017/05/28 07:54:02--poloniex--BTC_AMP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #709 --------------- ]
2017/05/28 07:54:02 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/28 07:54:02 ***************************************************
2017/05/28 07:54:02 Low BB:0.00010209 - High BB:0.00010785
2017/05/28 07:54:02 ***************************************************
2017/05/28 07:54:05 LP 0.00010329  Bal.BTC 0.00253843  Bal.AMP 0(0)
2017/05/28 07:54:05 No open orders
2017/05/28 07:54:05 boughtPrice undefined
2017/05/28 07:54:05 price  falls (-2)
2017/05/28 07:54:05 PriceToBuy,1.0353,priceToSell,--not set--
2017/05/28 07:54:05 LP 1.0329000,<=,prBuy 1.0352849  secMargin 0.000041411394891158713  grows yes
2017/05/28 07:54:05 no altcoins: 0
2017/05/28 07:54:05 price to buy: 0.00010352848722789678
2017/05/28 07:54:05 price is sweet to buy
2017/05/28 07:54:05 price is growing
2017/05/28 07:54:05 Buying on poloniex 24.576257575757577 of AMP for 0.00010329
2017/05/28 07:54:07 2017/05/28 07:54:07 Error: Not enough BTC.
2017/05/28 07:54:07 !!! Cycle 710 failed. Will repeat in 30s
2017/05/28 07:54:37 [ --2017/05/28 07:54:37--poloniex--BTC_AMP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #710 --------------- ]
2017/05/28 07:54:37 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/28 07:54:37 ***************************************************
2017/05/28 07:54:37 Low BB:0.00010208 - High BB:0.00010785
2017/05/28 07:54:37 ***************************************************
2017/05/28 07:54:39 LP 0.00010329  Bal.BTC 0.00253843  Bal.AMP 0(0)
2017/05/28 07:54:39 No open orders
2017/05/28 07:54:39 boughtPrice undefined
2017/05/28 07:54:39 price  falls (-2)
2017/05/28 07:54:39 PriceToBuy,1.0353,priceToSell,--not set--
2017/05/28 07:54:39 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/28 07:54:39 cycle # 710
2017/05/28 07:54:39 Callback:
2017/05/28 07:54:39 ---------
2017/05/28 07:54:39 Waiting for orders: 0 AMP
need faster: yes
need slower: no

2017/05/28 07:54:39 next delay will be 30s

From now on till a restart of the bot, the log looks like this:
Code: [Select]
2017/05/28 22:10:24 [ --2017/05/28 22:10:24--poloniex--BTC_AMP  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #2279 --------------- ]
2017/05/28 22:10:24 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/28 22:10:25 ***************************************************
2017/05/28 22:10:25 Low BB:0.00008968 - High BB:0.00009935
2017/05/28 22:10:25 ***************************************************
2017/05/28 22:10:27 LP 0.00009414  Bal.BTC 0.00597332  Bal.AMP 0(0)
2017/05/28 22:10:27 No open orders
2017/05/28 22:10:27 boughtPrice undefined
2017/05/28 22:10:27 price  falls (-1)
2017/05/28 22:10:27 PriceToBuy,0.9209,priceToSell,--not set--
2017/05/28 22:10:27 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/28 22:10:27 cycle # 2279
2017/05/28 22:10:27 Callback:
2017/05/28 22:10:27 ---------
2017/05/28 22:10:27 Waiting for orders: 0 AMP
need faster: yes
need slower: no

2017/05/28 22:10:27 next delay will be 30s

Gunbot Monitor
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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #78 on: May 30, 2017, 07:24:12 PM »

all the pairs run normal but after 2 days i try to add DOGE pair and this happens

Code: [Select]
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of 3244 is not running.
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId, String machineName)
   at ConsoleControlSample.Form2.btn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1648.0 built by: NETFXREL3STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/3.2/GUNBOT.exe
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2
    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1647.0 built by: NETFXREL3STAGE
    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2
    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll

************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging

For example:

    < jitDebugging="true" />

When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.

Have the same issue

Offline Gunthar

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Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« Reply #79 on: May 30, 2017, 09:48:28 PM »
Thanks to all of you that contribute testing adn reporting, we move to the 3.3 bugs tracker now