the eadrinuse error is mentioned in the wiki troubleshooting section. chances are, you have two bots running and fighting for the 5000 port or you are having another process using port 5000. kill that process (find the macOS equivalent of task manager and look up processes, and which one hangs on the 5000 port. then kill it.).
From the wiki:
After starting a setup, following error shows: Error: bind EADDRINUSE null:5000
Common solution:
Make sure to close every other process blocking port 5000 (or any other port mentioned in the error). Often this is a process called gunthy, still running as a system process. Reboot if you are unsure if you managed to close it.
when starting the bot with GUI, don't click on gunthy exe. click only the gunthy-gui exe. The GUI will run the gunthy exe once you click "start gunbot" in the GUI.