You should read Help & Beginners thread, and a million of posts :-(
1) Don't put the same overrides everywhere, put the correct values in the BB strategy config
2) Set double_up to False, it's very risky
3) BOT_DELAY is maybe too short for polo... I'd put 10 or 20.
4) buy_level 2 is OK, try 1 if you can't buy.
5) Your gain of 2% is optimistic.
And of course, v5.x is buggy, only v3.3.2 is stable - while all of them are written "pre-release" on Github. have no news from a version that was announced to Saturday, that was 4 weeks ago?
Instead of reselling licence, please who all who have problems ask for a stable and reliable corrected version WITH a single documentation assembled somewhere, instead of a collection of "documented" changes everywhere...