"BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.0001, // quote currency amount to use for each buy order
"PERIOD": 15, // candlesticks period to use for TA calculations
"EMA1": 2, // EMA1 period
"EMA2": 4, // EMA2 period
"GAIN": 2, // minimum % of GAIN to profit from bought price
"HIGH_BB": 40, // minimum sell point from higher BB
"LOW_BB": 40, // minimum buy point from lower BB
"STDV": 2, //multiplicator for BB formula
"SMAPERIOD": 50, // SMA period for BB formula
"PANIC_SELL": false, // if true sell all coins at actual market price
"DOUBLE_UP": true, // if true use the averaging down
"STOP_LIMIT": 60, // % from bought price to sell if coin value drops
"BUY_ENABLED": true, // if false do not buy
"MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY": 0.0001, // minimum volume to buy (expressed in quote currency)
"MIN_VOLUME_TO_SELL": 0.0001 // minimum volume to sell (expressed in quote
"BUYLVL1": 0.6, // % from lowest EMA to buy at if trend switches to UP in level 1
"BUYLVL2": 2, // % from lowest EMA to buy at if trend switches to UP in level 2
"BUYLVL3": 70, // % from lowest EMA to buy at if trend switches to UP in level 3
"SELLLVL1": 0.6, // % from bought price to sell at if trend switches to DOWN in level 1
"SELLLVL2": 2, // % from bought price to sell at if trend switches to DOWN in level 2
"SELLLVL3": 70, // % from bought price to sell at if trend switches to DOWN in level 3
"BUYLVL": 2, // minimum level to wait before to buy
"SELLLVL": 2, // minimum level to wait before to sell
"LASTPOINTS": 5, // how many last prices to use to decide if trend is UP or DOWN
"AVGPOINTS": 250, // how many last prices to calculate average and compare with LASTPOINTS
"AVGMINIMUM": 0.00000001, // prices rate to ignore during average of AVGPOINTS
It's all in in the 5.0.1. instructions. read it up ...