For 5 minute charts on Bittrex, using 5.0.5, should the SMAPERIOD not be 120? Also using Sjakil's gui I should add. Thanks for all of your hard work and knowledge!
On v5.0.5.5 for Bittrex, you should now have GUNTHY_API=false, and then the SMAPERIOD should be 10 if you want to match SJakil's GUI charts.
For v5.0.5.5, the only candles that should be using the GUNTHY_API is 15 (for Bittrex only).
As we on 55 are no longer calculating SMAPERIOD but simply entering either default 20 or 10 SMAPERIOD for Sjakils GUI:
For 15 minute candles on SMAPERIOD:20
Set GunthyAPI=true:
EMA1: 8,
EMA2: 4,
(Do these stay unchanged when using SMAPERIOD:10?)
For 5 minute candles on SMAPERIOD:20
EMA1: 24,
EMA2: 12,
(Do these stay unchanged when using SMAPERIOD:10?)
1 minute intervals at SMAPERIOD:20
EMA1: 120,
EMA2: 60,
(Do these stay unchanged when using SMAPERIOD:10?)
My question that remains is regarding these values, to change or not to change?:
"interval_ticker_update": 15000,
"period_storage_ticker": 2000,