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Author Topic: 🔥🔥🔥 OFFICIAL GUNBOT RESELLER 🔥🔥🔥 Cheap Licenses and Premium Support  (Read 73288 times)

Offline awesomenatorrad

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New to Gunbot in general but could you please enlighten me on the VIP section of your website? Do you guys share configurations and strategies as simple as plug and play? Does Gunbot allow for compound interest where lets say if I make an average of 0.8-1% return a day over a year, I can compound the interest? And if the gunbot is so capable of generating 0.8-1% of profit a day, why is not everyone not rushing to it and getting wealthy? (Really did not want to use the word "wealthy") Interested in buying but need to get some questions answered first.

Offline Aitor

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Hi, in VIP section there are a lot of settings from many people (settings created by me, settings created by people of Gunbot community, settings created by our customers etc...). The point is to have a place in which we can analyze each settings, comment about the results etc.... There are 2 main categories: "Configs", in which you can find settingsthat got good results in the past during our tests, and "Beta configs", where you can find settiings that still need to be tested or just those created by our customers because they want we to analyze them, test them, find ways to improve etc...
On the other hand, of course you can compound. For new comers I usually recommend to start with conservative settings. It will do less trades but it will buy at a very good price, so it's safer to use than an aggressive settings. We have customers getting amazing profits, but obviously if you want the best results possible, you also need to spend some time every day or every 2 days to tweak the settings. It's easy to do that and it doesn't take much time, anyway, a lot of people prefer to stick to a very conservative version and spend the less time possible tweaking the bot, even if the profits are lower. If you have any other question, feel free to contact me:

Telegram: @AitorRuiz
Whatsapp: 0034615780436
Skype: aleatorio_web
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 01:08:47 AM by Aitor »

Offline TraderWorld

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I've been with this bot for a month now and the truth is that I have to greatly appreciate the help that Aitor and his team have given me. In the sale very agile and fast, the support very good, very attentive in the help that they gave me. The truth that I recommend totally buy Aitor, to take advantage of the personalized support he has with his team.
Of course, apart paragraph is the theme of the bot, I learned a lot with the people of Aitor, through Telegram or when necessary, they connect to solve or explain simply some things, and mainly the results are very, very good.

Offline Aitor

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I've been with this bot for a month now and the truth is that I have to greatly appreciate the help that Aitor and his team have given me. In the sale very agile and fast, the support very good, very attentive in the help that they gave me. The truth that I recommend totally buy Aitor, to take advantage of the personalized support he has with his team.
Of course, apart paragraph is the theme of the bot, I learned a lot with the people of Aitor, through Telegram or when necessary, they connect to solve or explain simply some things, and mainly the results are very, very good.

Thanks mate!

Offline jimbogbt

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Hi mate

I'll be purchasing tomorrow night if you're around for support if we need it.
Will Telegram you now as well



Offline Aitor

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Hi mate

I'll be purchasing tomorrow night if you're around for support if we need it.
Will Telegram you now as well



Nice. I have just responded your Telegram msg  :)

Offline cybermarcus

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Hi Aitor,

I purchased the Gold Pack with order#4769. Please add my binance API key which I sent to you via telegram, and via order email.


Offline Aitor

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Hi Aitor,

I purchased the Gold Pack with order#4769. Please add my binance API key which I sent to you via telegram, and via order email.


Processing right now :)

Offline Explosive

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   I’m considering purchasing gunbot from you do to the support options. A few questions for you.
1. I’m not tech savvy would you say that i would be ok running gunbot with a basic tech understanding with your support package?
2. Are you still running the “PREMIUM” promo?
3. Are there basic configs for gunbot to gain a conservative profit with lower risk and not much need for configuring well i learn the software?
4. What kind of budget is acceptable in the bot? Could one use say a half bitcoin and maintain profitability?

Thank you

Offline Aitor

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   I’m considering purchasing gunbot from you do to the support options. A few questions for you.
1. I’m not tech savvy would you say that i would be ok running gunbot with a basic tech understanding with your support package?
2. Are you still running the “PREMIUM” promo?
3. Are there basic configs for gunbot to gain a conservative profit with lower risk and not much need for configuring well i learn the software?
4. What kind of budget is acceptable in the bot? Could one use say a half bitcoin and maintain profitability?

Thank you

Hi, let me answer your questions:

1- Basic computer science knowledge is more than enough to install and run Gunbot.
2- Yes, "PREMIUM" coupon is still available.
3- You can get configs for Gunbot in our Vip Zone. To use a config is easy, I mean, you just need to set some parameters. We can recommend you what parameters you need to change for a more conservative config.
4- The amount you want to use depends on each person. Some people start with 0.03 btc and others with 4 btc. I usually recommend to start with something low, something like 0.10 or 0.20 until you see how the bot works and decide which config do you like the most. Then you can increase the funds.

Offline Explosive

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   I’m considering purchasing gunbot from you do to the support options. A few questions for you.
1. I’m not tech savvy would you say that i would be ok running gunbot with a basic tech understanding with your support package?
2. Are you still running the “PREMIUM” promo?
3. Are there basic configs for gunbot to gain a conservative profit with lower risk and not much need for configuring well i learn the software?
4. What kind of budget is acceptable in the bot? Could one use say a half bitcoin and maintain profitability?

Thank you

Hi, let me answer your questions:

1- Basic computer science knowledge is more than enough to install and run Gunbot.
2- Yes, "PREMIUM" coupon is still available.
3- You can get configs for Gunbot in our Vip Zone. To use a config is easy, I mean, you just need to set some parameters. We can recommend you what parameters you need to change for a more conservative config.
4- The amount you want to use depends on each person. Some people start with 0.03 btc and others with 4 btc. I usually recommend to start with something low, something like 0.10 or 0.20 until you see how the bot works and decide which config do you like the most. Then you can increase the funds.

Awesome thank you for the quick response. I’m going to make my purchase through you today I think. I need to do just a bit more research and I’ll get started.

What is the best way to contact you directly for support during the purchase/setup process?

Offline Aitor

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What is the best way to contact you directly for support during the purchase/setup process?

You can contact me via Telegram or email:

Telegram: @AitorRuiz

Offline Explosive

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   Yesterday i decided to purchase gunbot through and i must say im really happy so far with everything. I had some issues with my keys and Javier (support) Spent over a hr with me getting it working (Im not a tech guy so im sure it wasn't his favorite hr of the day). Aitor also spent a considerable amount of time with me before and during my purchase and has answered my PMs almost instantly the hole time. The premium support is amazing with a lot of great extras and tips/tricks.

   I highly recommend these guys they really are great. Everything is fast and they are right there through the process no matter what you need. Im purchasing a package upgrade today that's how happy i am with everything.

Thank you guys for the hard work and help so far :)

Offline Aitor

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   Yesterday i decided to purchase gunbot through and i must say im really happy so far with everything. I had some issues with my keys and Javier (support) Spent over a hr with me getting it working (Im not a tech guy so im sure it wasn't his favorite hr of the day). Aitor also spent a considerable amount of time with me before and during my purchase and has answered my PMs almost instantly the hole time. The premium support is amazing with a lot of great extras and tips/tricks.

   I highly recommend these guys they really are great. Everything is fast and they are right there through the process no matter what you need. Im purchasing a package upgrade today that's how happy i am with everything.

Thank you guys for the hard work and help so far :)

Thanks mate. I'm glad your are enjoying Gunbot.  ;)

Offline Aitor

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