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Author Topic: research contest !!!??! who want to "help" ? (:  (Read 19745 times)

Offline magictrade

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research contest !!!??! who want to "help" ? (:
« on: June 15, 2017, 08:36:45 PM »
hello together !

when the new version is released and everything is prepared and tested,
i want to start a "contest" to find the best settings/exchanges  :P .....

my rough plan is:

i want to run gunbot (with same balance)........

on poloniex on two accounts
1. BTC/? (BB) - around 50 Pairs
2. USDT/? (Stepgain) - around 10 pairs

on kraken on two accounts
1. BTC/cryptos (BB) - around  pairs - around 5 pairs
    BTC/Fiats without USD (Stepgain) - around 3 pairs
2. USD/? (Stepgain) - around 10 pairs

and two accounts on bitrex ......
1. BTC/cryptos (BB) - not shure how much, but much as possible ^^
2. ETH/cryptos maybe BB, too) - not shure how much, but much as possible ^^

BB means bollinger band with this settings
LOW_BB: 30,
HIGH_BB: 30,
GAIN: 2.5,

and step gain means (a mix of cryptonauts serial killer and gunthas supergun):
BUYLVL1: 0.6,
BUYLVL3: 10,

i choose this settings, becouse i think, that are good for the most pairs........
and i want to use step gain, for the fiat pairs, becouse, they (normaly) go more up, compared to the BTC/crypto pairs.....

i want to split the balance throght the half of the pairs (balance for each pair)..... so that the most time a maximum of the balance is at work (in trades).

i want try to note the balance (of each account) every day (at the same time) and calculate the daily profit....... for 3-4weeks....
and so the balance is not really importend, becouse the interesting thing is the profit (%) and the profit (%) for the hole time  :D ....

have anybody an idea or suggestion for better settings or something else to make better ?

is anybody interested, to support me ?
maybe do the same, but with other settings - to compare ?
(but that only really make sense, if we start only with the majorcurrency on the account and at the same time)

i dont know wich new functions do the new version have, but i will handle bags in this way.....
wait three days and then set an order via hand....

in the next days i will define some exacter "rules" (:

Offline ajg

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Re: research contest !!!??! who want to "help" ? (:
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2017, 12:58:27 PM »
I like it.  Have you any results?