Thank you very much Aitor. It's true, both strategies are similar, and sometimes GB have received sell alerts with a bit difference of minutes, but I think it's first time both sell alerts are in same time, so it's possible a second time.
I use GB in mode only TV. Can I use two instances with mode only TV?
I'm not sure if this is a good idea because when GB failed, both emails were read for GB (with only one instance) but GB ran only one alert. The problem is not here if GB only read one email, the problem is GB read two emails in the same time and It run only the first alert. The second is ignored. And, the first email and the second email have different alerts. Also, I want to add a third pair with a similar strategy. What will happen if GB receives three simultaneous alerts?
I don't know if I have explained correctly. I confirm GB reads all the messages, so with two instances I don't think will solve the problem because when the second instance opens the mail, it will not find new unread mail.