When GBV10 has run flawlessly for a while, well the CCLEAN time actually, it gets stuck when restarting.
The error message I get is :
Loading exchange - bitfinex
Loading exchange - kraken
Loading exchange - bittrex
Error: "Fetching my trades again."
at errorHandler (/snapshot/Gunbot-master/ctx-wrapper.js:0:0)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
Unable to connect to kraken
Please if this error persists, stop Gunbot, wait a few minutes and then start it again...
Doing what is asked, waiting a few minutes, works most of the time, assuming the delay is at least 6 minutes. 5 or 4 give rather unpredictable results. 3 and less never works.
As a workaround, I set the CCLEAN delay to 6 hours (was tempted to try and set 0, but did not dare) and made a script that runs every 2 hours, kills the process, sleeps 6 minutes and restarts gunbot. Does the job.
But, it might be nice to find a way so that the GUI would still run even though some connexion or other trouble occurs, at least to be able to kill the process. I forgot to mention the process when stuck eats 99% of the CPU.
That being said, I love the new GUI, even though I do regret it has to be run all the time, it was way more secure to run it only when needed independently from the main program imo (I use a VPS). The speed gain is amazing and I'm really looking forward to try and fiddle with the new strategies.
Big kudos for this great work, all the best,