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Author Topic: Feature request: stepstepstepgain  (Read 23638 times)

Offline cw

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Feature request: stepstepstepgain
« on: May 11, 2017, 03:42:45 AM »
I like step gain a lot.  Here's what I think I've seen step gain do:

  • Step gain buys a coin at desired level.
  • Step gain sees coin reach price at level "2"
  • Step gain starts marking >= prSell
  • Step gain sees coin reach price at level "3"
  • It keeps marking >= prSell and says "falls no"
  • It will never sell the coin until "falls yes". 

There are cases where my configuration is level 2 is 2.5% and level 3 is 6%.  Coin will hit 2.5%, then 5%, then 6% then 10%, then 20%, then 25% and sit there for 30minutes.  Then go to 20%, 15%, 12%, 7%, then polo has a ton of errors, then hit 4.5% and then barely be able to get in a sell order and maybe get any profit at all.  Or errors keep happening and I miss any profits.

I'd rather be able to configure several levels of steps.

Give us lots of steps.  And a Number of "backsteps" that if we ratchet back the number of backsteps, gunbot sells. 

Just allow us two digits after the word "step".  If we don't define it, then you don't use it. If we do define it, use it.  That way, we can be as crazy or as lazy as we want.

Code: [Select]
# step step step gain
# buy levels
stepbuy01 = 0.5
stepbuy02 = 1.5
# and so on, maybe just 2, maybe 10
# sell levels
stepsell01 = 1.5
stepsell02 = 2.5
stepsell03 = 5.0
stepsell04 = 7.5
stepsell05 = 10
stepsell06 = 12.5
stepsell07 = 15
stepsell08 = 18
stepsell09 = 22.5
stepsell10 = 26
stepsell11 = 30
stepsell12 = 35
stepsell13 = 40
stepsell14 = 45
stepsell15 = 50
stepsell16 = 55
stepsell17 = 70
stepsell18 = 100
stepsell19 = 150
stepsell20 = 200
#backsteps - how many steps back to sell?

That way, people can be aggressive or safe.  Someone might not want this kind of config and just have two or three steps - stepsell01=5 and stepsell02=50 or something like that.

In this way, people can decide at what point is it worth paying the fee and re-buying in... and they can have one config that both fits straight-line coins as well as suspected pumps without having to change configurations during the day.

With this kind of config, if the coin starts to fall a little, we can lock in the profit THEN instead of risking losing the profits.

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Offline ajg

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Re: Feature request: stepstepstepgain
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2017, 12:07:18 AM »
Not a bad idea. 

But something must also be done to make GB actually sell at the peak rather than what it seems to do which is to wait a long time after the peak and after it has pulled back a long way before selling. 

It seems to buy a long way before the bottom of a trend, and then sell a long way either before or after the peak of a trend.  Gunbot should be smarter than this!!!