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Author Topic: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC  (Read 23941 times)

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GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:47:43 PM »
This has happened a few times now.

I launch XT in the AM and go off to work for a number of hours.
When I return, my entire computer is frozen. Stuck on a spinning beach ball. No mouse movement (or extremely laggy) is possible. The only solution is forcing a hard restart.

Never had this issue with 3.3.2.

I'm only running 2 pairs and it's behaving like it's eating all my RAM or something. I am forced to stop using it.

Anyone else?

Offline yoshilee

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2017, 03:21:22 PM »
Well, i am new to gunbot so i canīt tell about earlier versions. Actual i need to figure out a lot, but i also experienced the ram issue.

It seems to occur when bot runs for several hours; my ram is fulled to max then. It is the same on my Imac from 2009 and on the book (2014) i guess. Also the number of pairs does not really matters. I watched that behaviour for 2 pairs as well as 30 pairs.

But actual my main concern is a good strategy setting to iniate more trades per day  :)

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2017, 10:26:54 PM »
Well, i am new to gunbot so i canīt tell about earlier versions. Actual i need to figure out a lot, but i also experienced the ram issue.

It seems to occur when bot runs for several hours; my ram is fulled to max then. It is the same on my Imac from 2009 and on the book (2014) i guess. Also the number of pairs does not really matters. I watched that behaviour for 2 pairs as well as 30 pairs.

But actual my main concern is a good strategy setting to iniate more trades per day  :)

Unless I'm mistaken, it won't matter how good your strategy settings are if the BOT renders your computer useless. Also, I could never get the XT version to initiate any buys. Running the same two pairs on 3.3.2 and get buys/sells almost instantly.

I feel like it's NOT yet stable. At least not for MAC.

Offline yoshilee

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2017, 06:07:06 AM »
So i mentioned the ram usage on github.

Actual it is a browser based problem. Running the bot without permanent open browser until the next fix solves it that far.

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2017, 06:47:25 AM »
Thanks! Good to know.

I still can't get it to place any buys for me though.

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2017, 12:17:29 AM »
In my case this is not a browser issue at all,
since there is no browser running and still the ram gets filled by Gunbot XT.
There are no other application running.

So the problem is within the Mac OS Gunbot for sure.
Hopefully this major issue gets fixed soon.

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2017, 12:24:39 PM »
I am having this same problem with XT as well and it's very frustrating.  I've cleaned with "Clean my Mac 3" which has a variety of features including freeing up RAM, repaired disK permissions, close all other windows and applications, turned off email push notifications.  No matter what I do I come back to the ball of death and totally frozen.  Running it on a macbook pro with 16g of RAM.  This program should not be an issue.  HELP

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2017, 02:22:11 AM »
I just got rid of the UI and it's been working fine for me running in the Terminal.

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2017, 02:37:21 PM »
I still don't have a solution for this and its BEYOND FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!  I've sent gunthar now 2 messages and can't even get a response.  NOT HAPPY.  My mac should have zero issues running this program yet the spinning ball of death comes in the 8-16 hr window. 

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2017, 03:34:23 PM »
I still don't have a solution for this and its BEYOND FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!  I've sent gunthar now 2 messages and can't even get a response.  NOT HAPPY.  My mac should have zero issues running this program yet the spinning ball of death comes in the 8-16 hr window.

Have you tried running 3.3.2 in the terminal?

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2017, 01:55:31 PM »
No I have not ran it in the terminal as I would not of bought it without the GUI. 

The bigger problem is I have messaged Gunthy multiple times with no response.  I am not the only one with this problem. 

Offline criptonauta

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2017, 04:32:29 PM »
Gunthar answers in line, so he will reply you.

It seems a GUI issue that is being worked out. Meanwhile, talk to the Support team - @Exquitas and @Narkotix
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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2017, 10:46:48 PM »
No I have not ran it in the terminal as I would not of bought it without the GUI. 

The bigger problem is I have messaged Gunthy multiple times with no response.  I am not the only one with this problem.

What we are attempting to do is isolate the issue. For example, if it runs fine in the terminal, we can focus our energy on the GUI for troubleshooting. I too was optimistic for the GUI and sad to find there are issues running it on my MAC but I'lll be damned if I'm not gonna run the BOT and make money while I wait for them to iron out the issues. Much to my surprise, I actually don't mind running it this way. Suit yourself.

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2017, 03:55:19 AM »
So Gunthy went direct on telegram with me and running a beta version with the GUI for about 8 hours now with no issues.  I'm only running litecoin right now because the market went crazy and I'm expecting a significant pull back.  Figure tomorrow I'll get running 6-7 pairs and advise.  But so far so good. 

Mad props to gunthy as he spent significant time with me getting the new version squared away. 

Offline zin22

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2017, 04:13:19 AM »
So Gunthy went direct on telegram with me and running a beta version with the GUI for about 8 hours now with no issues.  I'm only running litecoin right now because the market went crazy and I'm expecting a significant pull back.  Figure tomorrow I'll get running 6-7 pairs and advise.  But so far so good. 

Mad props to gunthy as he spent significant time with me getting the new version squared away.

is the patch out for Gunbot xt?   There seems to still be a few bugs in XT, multiple command windows popping up, logging out of local host, and using alot of ram.

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2017, 05:42:39 AM »
For me it was the RAM issue.  Evidently on MAC with GUI the extensive logs it was keeping became a RAM hog and would bring on the ball of death.  I've had no other issues.  Gunthy got with me with my specific concerns and so far so good.  Considering the MAC-GUI has only been out for a short period of time I'm not surprised.  I'm coming on almost 12 hours of running and about to hit the rack.  If it's running in the morning I'd say the fix worked.  However I'm only running 1 pair right now.  In the morning after everything has pulled back a little (holy sh*& what a crazy run alt coins have ran last 24 hrs) I'll get 6-8 pairs running and advise.  But I'm optimistic.   

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2017, 02:32:07 PM »
Still running now at the 18 hr mark and RAM usage within normal levels.  Bumped up to 3 pairs and heading off to work for 12 hrs.  So far so good.  If all is well tonight dialing 8-10 pairs.  Do work. 

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2017, 06:25:44 AM »
34 hours of continuous running without issue.  No ram problems, no ball of death. 

Offline ajamant

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2017, 02:00:09 PM »
Well it was to good to be true.  Awoke this morning to the ball of death.  So about 2 1/2 days of running before the crash. 

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Re: GUNBOT XT freezes my whole MAC
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2017, 04:20:33 AM »
Same with me, my Mac is beachballing two and a half days after starting and running Gunbot XT in command line terminal (no GUI).