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Author Topic: First time Firing up the bot soon.  (Read 26784 times)

Offline AI

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First time Firing up the bot soon.
« on: September 18, 2017, 06:57:36 PM »
Hi guys,

I just made a purchase of the bot. (don't have my license yet though.)
When i will first start the bot and my bittrex account has  0 BTC, 20 MTL and 10 NEO.
How will the bot trade if i for example set BTC/MTL as a pair and BTC/SNT as a pair for example?
Will it start selling my MTL when it hits above the upper BB for MTL? and from then on be able to buy SNT?

I hope i made my question clear enough, if not please let me know.


Offline dobcrypto

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Re: First time Firing up the bot soon.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2017, 07:01:35 PM »
Hi guys,
I just made a purchase of the bot. (don't have my license yet though.)
When i will first start the bot and my bittrex account has  0 BTC, 20 MTL and 10 NEO.
How will the bot trade if i for example set BTC/MTL as a pair and BTC/SNT as a pair for example?
Will it start selling my MTL when it hits above the upper BB for MTL? and from then on be able to buy SNT?
I hope i made my question clear enough, if not please let me know.
"Will it start selling my"
No. Bot will ask u in console to override BOUGHT_PRICE of this coins in version before 5.x
In 5.0.4 bot will start selling them in accordance with the settings you have set.

Offline AI

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Re: First time Firing up the bot soon.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2017, 08:01:04 PM »
Hi guys,
I just made a purchase of the bot. (don't have my license yet though.)
When i will first start the bot and my bittrex account has  0 BTC, 20 MTL and 10 NEO.
How will the bot trade if i for example set BTC/MTL as a pair and BTC/SNT as a pair for example?
Will it start selling my MTL when it hits above the upper BB for MTL? and from then on be able to buy SNT?
I hope i made my question clear enough, if not please let me know.
"Will it start selling my"
No. Bot will ask u in console to override BOUGHT_PRICE of this coins in version before 5.x
In 5.0.4 bot will start selling them in accordance with the settings you have set.

so how does this BOUGHT_PRICE override work?
i say at what price i bought the MTL and it will sell it at the set GAIN percentage?

Offline xwiseowlx

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Re: First time Firing up the bot soon.
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2017, 12:39:03 PM »
I have been having the same issue.   My bot never trades and it seems because I need to override the bought price.  My original bought price is higher than the market but there are uptrends I want to take advantage of. I deposit new funds and they never sell or buy either.  How can I override the buy price and make it lower or just make it what I want?? 
Also, I haven't had much help from others answers. People leave such vague answers, assuming people know what they are talking about. It seems to be many people having similar issues.  It would be nice to just have a simple step by step guide to do things.  Gunbot would get so many more customers and keep many customers.  The bot is pretty cool but if people dont know how to use it properly it defeats the purpose. So much wasted time. They need to get people on board who understand how to show people how to use the bot. Example.....The bot tells me to manual override buy price..what do I do??? Most peoples response is "you have to manually override the price".  No $hit Sherlock...,  but how? this is one of the main reasons people are frustrated and leave.

505 has an area where you configure pairs, and there is an override button next to the pairs. How does this work and what do you type? two boxes pop up.

Offline sloaleks

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Re: First time Firing up the bot soon.
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2017, 06:19:46 AM »
Example.....The bot tells me to manual override buy price..what do I do??? Most peoples response is "you have to manually override the price".  No $hit Sherlock...,  but how? this is one of the main reasons people are frustrated and leave.

505 has an area where you configure pairs, and there is an override button next to the pairs. How does this work and what do you type? two boxes pop up.
well dear watson, there's an example of BUGHT PRICE to override at the bottom of the config .... open the config in notepad plus, and there's an override line already in the pairs example in the config. now, scroll down, copy and paste, can you do that? if you can't be bothered to open the config, maybe gunbot is not for you. or use the old 3.3 GUI version and sell manually old buys the bot can't get the bought price for.
really, using a basic text editor and a scroll wheel is all you need to run gunbot. but you can't even be bothered to open the config ... you expect us to teach you this?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 07:24:24 AM by sloaleks »

Offline covellz

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Re: First time Firing up the bot soon.
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2017, 09:33:38 PM »
Well, i opened the config file but I'm not sure what to enter to do the override. I'm using Gunbot XT the new one.

Offline sloaleks

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Re: First time Firing up the bot soon.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2017, 09:37:18 AM »
for the love of God. why on earth are you messing with the config on a GUI version, this one with "massive" documentation for once? OK, you can also run the bot this way if you feel inclined to do so. scroll down to the end of the config. there should be a bought price override example as a comment in the last line/s of the config.

copy and paste the command on the offending pair like this, and add bought price:

"override":{COPIED COMMAND: put in bought price here} . Hit save. Done. When trades are done, delete the override command.
If the XT config does not contain a bought price command sample in the last line, the config of (or .5) certainly does.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 04:04:35 PM by sloaleks »