Hi! As you might know,
PM2 is one of the best process managers for *nix right now. And it works perfectly with GunBot, but when you have multiple configs the process of starting new instance becames a bit complicated.
I've tried to make a simple solution, which allows you to start new GunBot instance (as long as you have PM2 installed and there is a config file present) with just a simple command (run it from gunbot folder):
gunstart BTC_LSK poloniex !
This command will work exactly as this one:
pm2 start -n BTC_LSK -o /home/gunbot/gunbot3/poloniex-BTC_LSK-log.txt -e /home/gunbot/gunbot3/poloniex-BTC_LSK-err.txt /home/gunbot/gunbot3/gunthy-linuxx64 -- BTC_LSK poloniex, which will start a new pm2 instance with config and error logs in correct places and will use correct gunbot version for your system architecture.
To install this command simply run
curl -o- https://densmirnov.com/gunstart.sh | bash and voila — you will be able to use gunstart command. Actually all this is just a simple script, which adds new function to your ~/.bash_aliases
P.S. Keep in mind, that this is very early release, possible full of bugs and glitches. Use it on your risk! But feel free to fix or change anything!