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Author Topic: Feature Request - Ability to Tell GunBot not to Sell More Than it Has Purchased  (Read 21865 times)


  • Guest
I haven't really looked into this, but and I'm sure it's been thought of... but just in case it hasn't been -

I'd like to avoid a seperate Gunbot and long term investment account.

This seems as though it could be solved by having an option, or just default behavior, of Gunbot ONLY selling what it has bought, and leaving other funds in those trades alone.

For example, if I have 2 Ethereum tokens or something, Gunbot shouldn't really "see" that when it does it's trades. If it buys 1 Ether to trade, it should sell 1 Ether. Although I do see the value of having Gunbot rip through your current supply and sell it all, as well. Say you were going to leave the market in a week - Gunbot can consolidate all your assets to BTC for you, and at a good trade value as well.

It would be the best of both worlds - a bot doing my day trading for me as well as some long term investments to support companies/technologies I believe in - without the hassle of managing separate accounts.


