Hi - chill out please, sloaleks is a kind and helping guy.
We're all tired to help the others because official help is rare.
There is no official shop - all resellers shops are "official".
You should try to contact them, really, it's your seller, it's his job.
Otherwise, and in any case, be patient (see above)...
Hoping it helps?
Hi paramecie,
I'm very chill
If there is no official shop, then thecryptobot.com should probably stop advertising itself as being official. (see attached pics)
I'm sure sloaleks is a great guy, but when I'm in here looking for help, and his first reaction is to call out someone else for speaking out on the same problem, then it just makes it seem like he has an agenda other than truly caring to help. It kinda comes across as condescending.
I mean, I'm the OP and I don't care at all if someone else comes along saying they have the same problem. I hope more people do it...then it might lead to actually getting the problem addressed for us and all who follow.
As for your "contact your seller, really, it's THEIR job" response... wow... what the hell is this forum for then??