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Messages - Peter Gibons

Pages: [1]
its been 24hrs the 2 GunBot SuperGun pairs havn't purchased anything

the 1000 trades LTC pair, has traded alot, hard to tell if it's break even or make what % gain

Check your screenshots. Do not use .0x in any field. The correct values are 0.0x

The only places I see that are on the .6 buy level on XRP and the EMA times on XMR.  Are you saying that is preventing those pairs from trading?

its been 24hrs the 2 GunBot SuperGun pairs havn't purchased anything

the 1000 trades LTC pair, has traded alot, hard to tell if it's break even or make what % gain

I have set 2 standard base pairs.  With the almost the default settings.  In 8 hours they have bought nothing.  Here's some of the screen.

Waiting for the price to fall more, before to buy...
::::: cycle 1391 finished in 0.53s
Gunbot v2.0.3 Beta cycle  # 1391:     4/11/2017
   need_faster: false
   need_slower: false

Tra the x86 file su f supergun

Is that code for
"move the x86 supergun.exe in the x86 subdirectory to the root directory, and over write that supergun.exe" ?

This still isn't working.  I copied the supergun_x86 from x86 subdirectory to the main directory (1 step up)
The blue button, the second from the left, in the pair tab still does nothing.  The first button, "Start Gunbot"does work

I took another directory, I copied supergun_86, to the root directory, this time I renamed it to supergun (So I basically replaced the supergun file).  This time it started, and gave an error

OK - I scrolled up on the error, it was missing pair, I didn't use capitol letters.  SuperGun seems to start fine now.

Tra the x86 file su f supergun

Is that code for
"move the x86 supergun.exe in the x86 subdirectory to the root directory, and over write that supergun.exe" ?

I have not had time to focus on this in the last 48hrs much, but will have time tonight.

Running dedicated
Windows 7 Pro SP1

Double Click Gunbot.exe
Enter API
Load Configuration
Click the Start GunBot button
click on newly opened tab
The first button works, starts Gunbot, makes trades, seems fine
The blue SuperGun button does nothing
The other buttons work, even the analyze best coin button

Pages: [1]