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Messages - botreminer0011

Pages: [1]
Simple question- yes or no!
allpairs-params.js not exist on v.3.3.3 and v3.3.4

All parameters are on only one file : config.js

Technical Support & Development / Re: Linux proxy for 422 errors.
« on: June 27, 2017, 10:54:53 PM »
how can i dow  :'( :'( :'(

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    import hmac, hashlib, os.path, pycurl, re, socket, ssl, subprocess, sys, threading, time, yaml
ImportError: No module named 'yaml'

Install dnsmasq / dig (dnsutils in arch linux) / python 3 / pycurl (python-pycurl in arch, or use pip install pycurl on other distros) / pyyaml (python-yaml in arch or pip install pyyaml other distros)

Technical Support & Development / Re: Stop trading after sell
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:16:05 AM »
Well just set buy strategy to PINGPONG and PINGPONG_BUY: 0.00000001
I guess.

Thanks. But i want to end sell with BB strategy, and after stop. No more buy's.

Maybe I don't understand you correctly but if you set the buy level to one satoshi, it is highly unlikely that the bot will make another by.
I think, you can still use BB to sell.
Use sth. like this in your config file:
        BUY_STRATEGY: "PINGPONG", // accepted values BB or STEPGAIN or GAIN or PINGPONG
   SELL_STRATEGY: "BB", // accepted values BB or STEPGAIN or GAIN or PINGPONG
   LOW_BB: 5, //buy when the price is higher than low BB by this percentual
   HIGH_BB: 5, //sell when the price is lower than high BB by this percentual
   PINGPONG_BUY: 0.00000001, //price to buy (or lower) in the ping pong strategy

OK, thanks. I understand, never buy ...

Technical Support & Development / Re: Stop trading after sell
« on: June 15, 2017, 07:35:58 PM »
Well just set buy strategy to PINGPONG and PINGPONG_BUY: 0.00000001
I guess.

Thanks. But i want to end sell with BB strategy, and after stop. No more buy's.

Technical Support & Development / Stop trading after sell
« on: June 15, 2017, 01:55:25 PM »

i use gunbot for trading several pairs like BTC_XXX  (BTC_TRADING_LIMIT=0.01).
I have coins XXX and wait for the XXX to be sold by gunbot.

But when these coins will be sold, i don't want to continue with these pair BTC_XXX.
Gunbot must not buy again XXX coins.

How to proceed ?


Great script.

Thank you!

How much memory is used by each pair (process app-name) ?

Ooops, exact .....  100 Mb / pair.  For 20 pairs it's needed to have 2Gb + system memory ...

On Windows, it's 20-50 Mb /pair.

The difference is maybe PM2 environment ...

I believe that is shown in the "mem" column over on the right.

Great script.

How much memory is used by each pair (process app-name) ?

Technical Support & Development / Re: Compile GB for Raspberry Pi?
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:00:36 PM »
Noone here is interested in using a Raspberry Pi?

Maybe anyone knows, if that ARM executables may be used within Windows IoT version on Raspberrys? - I#ll give a try on that, when I have time for.

an issue is created :

Only Gunthar can compile v3.3.x version for arm6/7 and 32/64bits.

Crash on 3.3.2 after a few days of running. Trying to Start Pair.

Still also getting the Waiting to Sell on pairs I have no coins and there are no orders


in many cases, memory shortage.
Check your memory usage with task manager.
With a windows (vps) 1Gb memory, with only gunbot, you can launch 10-12 pairs before memory fault.


Arm binaries don't work (on v3.3) :

With "raspbian-jessie" image the binary version v3.3 of gunbot give me same error messages :

(chmod 777 for all bin ...)

./gunthy-armv7: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
./gunthy-armv7x86: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

Binaries maybe compiled for intel x64 and  x86.

uname -a :

Linux raspberrypi 4.9.24-v7+ #993 SMP Wed Apr 26 18:01:23 BST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux

Who use raspberry 3 and is working ?

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