« on: February 14, 2018, 03:34:12 AM »
Attempted on versions v8.0.3 & v7.0.2
Verified through my re-seller that my license is Active for Tradeview. I've created a dummy pair on the exchange, when I disable Imap listener and hit run gunbot it starts immediately on the dummy pair and parsing trade data.
I've tried it with IMAP settings for a google address, a yahoo address, and even spun up a local working imap internal email server (to bypass the need for TSL) and it still will not progress further. I've tried fresh setups on two linux ubuntu servers, and two Windows 10 PC's, one from a different public IP address, and each one hits this same snag with it enabled, have restarted the machines, kept the TradingView Plug settings default as well as tweaked them with no change.
Error log never fills with any data and it just sits at the Loading exchange - binance. This has also been attempted through GUI & Terminal with Debug ON/OFF, Verbose ON/OFF and nothing ever propagates the error log.
Err.log is blank
Out.log only shows - [32mLoading config...[39m
[32mLoading exchange - binance[39m