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Messages - reedrothchild

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

Has anyone experienced an issue where when they try to load the new version of the UI with the pairs section it just spins circles and never loads and then eventually freezes up the browser?  I am having this issue on chrome, firefox, and safari on mac. 

Any thoughts or info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

So I lowered the time on the setup and am no longer getting the same error but now I get sells in GB that aren't registering in cryptopia.  anyone know how to resolve that issue?  Too many API hits I wonder?  I can't find anywhere in Cryptopia to see if they are throttling the API.

Thank you for replying.  Would this be done by setting the timeout buy and sell from 60000 to 0?

Hi all,

New buyer/botter but really liking what I see so far with the following small exception that I need some assistance with.

I set Gunbot up last night and it started running right away without issues (except the first red safety switch alert when I first started up).  It started doing buys and sells fine but I have noticed a possible issue this morning that I wanted to get some insight on.

After doing around 24 buys/sells I started getting a safety switch alert when trying to sell on a couple of pairs.  This message in my log is green compared to the original red message when I first started running the bot and had to wait the 10 minutes or so.  The bot has been trying to sell these pairs for hours now and still gets the safety switch message each time. 

Has anyone experienced this issue and knows of a way to resolve it?

I have attached a screenshot of the logs for reference.

Thank you very much!

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