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Messages - kalintri

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So I have done a bit of digging and know why it did the second buy, but it is a direct result of the first buy, which the bot made below my "MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY": 0.002.

I am attaching a snippet of my Binance trade history which whows the double Buy of BCC.
Yesterday the bot placed a BUY order for BCC, which the exchange split into two BUYs and executed them simultaneously, which is fine and expected sometimes. Which is not expected however is that if you add up the two Total values for the two Buys it adds up to 0.00199659 BTC, which is bot below my "MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY": 0.002, and also below Binace minimum trade of 0.002 BTC.
Since I owned less than my MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY worth of BCC the bot proceeded a few hours later with buying additional BCC.

What remains unexplained and I think it is some sort of a bug is - Why did the bot place an order below the "MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY" to begin with when placing the first order.

I would very much like to ask someone with more knowledge how the bot works to have a look and tell me if I may be doing something wrong?

Thanks guys.

I spoke too soon in my last post.

It looks the issue is still present.
I have set “TRADING_LIMIT”: 0.0021 and “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY”: 0.002. Binance minimum trade is 0.002. Yesterday the bot made an order for BCC, which the exchange completed in two simultaneous buys at exactly the same time.
During the night however the bot made another BUY of 0.0019xxxx, which shouldn't happen.
I do not have DoubleUp enabled.

I am attaching my config.js and my Binance trade history from the last day, which shows the BCC double buy, in case someone wants to check it. Sorry, both are in ZIP format as the forum does not allow me to attach *.js or *.xlsx
Please let me know what could be causing this? Is this a bug, or a configuration error on my end?

I got to the bottom of this double buy question.
So, in my config I have set a “TRADING_LIMIT”: 0.0021, however the bot almost never does trades at exactly 0.0021. Sometimes it is slightly more (0.0021xxxxx), sometimes it is slightly less (0.0020xxxxx). There is also another setting “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY”. I have read that it needs to be set between the Exchange minimum and the “TRADING_LIMIT”. Since my “TRADING_LIMIT” is set only slightly above the Binance minimum, I have configured the “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY” to be the same as my “TRADING_LIMIT” - “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY”: 0.0021.

Now here is what it says on the Gunthy Wiki about TSSL and the “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY” parameter.
“Sets a threshold for buy orders. If you own less than the set amount, buy orders will still be placed. This prevents owning very small quantities (dust) blocking buy orders.”

So here is what actually happened in my case with an example. So one of my pairs is BTC-SUB and the bot bought 0.00200430 BTC worth of SUB, but it will still look for more Buys as I have set a “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY”: 0.0021 in my strategy and if it sees good conditions for a Buy, it buys again because it bought less than the “MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY” .

I can confirm that in all three instances I saw the bot make two consecutive Buys, the first buy was just below 0.0021

I am also attaching the BTC-TRX-state.json file, which shows the last to orders were a BUY order.

Hi Guys,
I am running GB 702 on the latest Raspbian and I am trading on Binance. I have encountered the following situation.
Yesterday at some point the bot bought TRX, then about 15 minutes later it bought again. Both trades are at my maximum trading limit of 0.0021BTC so they are not part of the same order and I do not have Double Up enabled.
The bot is running TSSLSTEPGAIN.

I was under the impression that the bot will wait to sell an alt coin before it buys again.
I am attaching here a screenshot from the Binance app which shows the orders.

I am also not running multiple instances of Gunbot. I only have Binance license and one Raspberry Pi and here is the output of the processes containing "gunthy" in the name:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ps aux | grep gunthy
pi        6430  0.2  0.4  15572  4580 pts/0    Sl+  08:04   0:00 tclsh8.6 /usr/bin/unbuffer ./gunthy-arm
pi        6432  1.5  3.1  79060 29708 pts/1    Ssl+ 08:04   0:00 ./gunthy-arm
pi        6442 18.9  8.3 158288 78932 pts/1    Sl+  08:04   0:07 /home/pi/Gunbot/gunthy-arm /snapshot/Gunbot-master/index.js
pi        6491  0.0  0.0   4372   592 pts/2    S+   08:04   0:00 grep --color=auto gunthy
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

If I stop the GB all these processes disappear and when I restart it the same processes appear again.
I am running the GB with the unbuffer command because I am recording the logs, hence the unbuffer process above.

Please let me know if you have seen something like this before and what could explain it?



Beginners & Help / Re: [Guide] Gunbot XT (v7) using a Raspberry Pi
« on: January 10, 2018, 03:12:45 PM »
Hi All,

I am trying to install GB XT (7.0.2) on Raspberry Pi 3B.
I have copied the folder and changed the permissions, but when I try to start it I am getting a "Segmentation fault". I am attaching a screenshot. The Pi is running Raspbian Stretch with GUI, which has been updated and upgraded and other software is running on it just fine without such fault.
I have tried running it both with and without "sudo", but the result is the same.

Any ideas and help how I might resolve that will be much appreciated.

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