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Messages - Bossett

Pages: [1]
I have just realised that this is why the bot is non-functional for me - most of my pairs, like ripple and stellar, are holding dust, and that means I've missed out on a lot of gains (according to some tradingview backtesting - about 40%). I don't think MIN_VOLUME_TO_BUY / MIN_VOLUME_TO_SELL actually manage dust at all - they just make it a little less likely you'll gather any.

I've tried dealing with dust by buying/selling small amounts to try clear it / selling for BNB / etc. - that's worked a little, but there's still a large number of non-trading pairs - this also means I'll have no working Binance pairs without constant manual intervention, defeating the idea of botting at all.

I know its on Gunthar's radar - but is there any way we can assist with a solution / getting it prioritised / work around it some way?

Technical Support & Development / Re: 7.02 Waiting on open orders
« on: January 02, 2018, 01:38:34 AM »
These seem to be related to items in the order history that are listed as 'Expired' - they seem to be going straight into the order book with an immediate timeout?

Technical Support & Development / Re: 7.02 Waiting on open orders
« on: January 01, 2018, 11:59:38 PM »
I'm having the same issue with Binance, it persists after a restart of the bot though.

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