Beginners & Help / Re: [TUT] Script for easy-delayed-start of all pairs in Linux
« on: April 24, 2017, 08:52:29 PM »
little improvement and compatibility with 3.x release :
change the grep command line to grep -qw (because pair like STR won't launch if pair STRAT is already running so the -w flag force a whole word match)
little improvement and compatibility with 3.x release :
change the grep command line to grep -qw (because pair like STR won't launch if pair STRAT is already running so the -w flag force a whole word match)
Code: [Select]
########### EDIT PLEASE ###############
# exact folder where gunbot and config files are
########## NO MORE EDIT ###############
############## DONT EDIT ##############
red=`tput bold setaf 1`
green=`tput bold setaf 2`
blue=`tput bold setaf 4`
reset=`tput sgr0`
for f in $_dfiles
echo "Checking if pair $_namef is running..."
if ! screen -list | grep -qw "$_namef"; then
echo "${red}Pair not running.... ${green}Starting $_namef pair... ${reset}"
screen -dmS $_namef
screen -S $_namef -p 0 -X exec node $botfolder/index $_namef poloniex
echo "Waiting 5S"
sleep 1
echo -n "...1"
sleep 1
echo -n "...2"
sleep 1
echo -n "...3"
sleep 1
echo -n "...4"
sleep 1
echo "${blue}...5!${reset}"
echo "${green}Next PAIR${reset}"
echo "${green}Pair $_namef RUNNING${reset}"
sleep 0.2