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Messages - Capt_Crunchy_Nut

Pages: [1]
Truly the best option is to move to Gunbot 6.0.1. There is no reason to delay.  It solves this thread's issues.

Came here to ask this. No need it seems! Thanks  :)

General Discussion / Re: Gunbot XT Edition + Gunthy GUI
« on: November 09, 2017, 09:14:28 PM »
I run gunthy-gui.exe and a cmd window opens. I then use my browser to access the GUI. Everything l;ooks fine. I have it running in watch mode with buy disabled just in case (been burned with previous releases of gunthy so I'll wait a day or 2 for reports to come in of bugs). When I start the bot a second CMD window opens with nothing in it. Is that to be expected?

Beginners & Help / Scalping
« on: July 16, 2017, 12:28:51 AM »
Can someone please explain scalping to me and how to execute the strategy with Gunbot? I have ETH that I want to scalp.

I stopped my BTC_ETH pair, and started an ETH_GNT pair. I had made some previous BTC_GNT trades, but my GNT balance was 0. I had obviously made previous BTC_ETH trades.

When I started the bot the command window was full of errors.

Do I need to use a seperate polo account? The same or a new instance of GB? A different version?

Any help would be appreciated.

I'm testing this on a Raspberry Pi 2 I have that is running 24/7 as a home theater PC. The OS is OSMC which is Debian based.

I'm sorry, this generator does not support systems with ARM cpus. You need a special executable to run Gunbot on a PI (gunthy-armv6 or gunthy-armv7) but they are not supported by the generator.


All good :)

It didn't occur to me earlier but I'm hardly using a typical *nix install for trying this on. I'm testing this on a Raspberry Pi 2 I have that is running 24/7 as a home theater PC. The OS is OSMC which is Debian based. I figured there'd be no harm so long as the install process ran without issue. I also had node v8.1.3 already installed from some past mucking around; maybe I need to downgrade that? Anyway, the output of the requested command is below:

-#- release -#-
PRETTY_NAME="Open Source Media Center"
VERSION="February 2017"

-#- nodejs -#-
-#- modules -#-
+-- generator-gunbot@0.1.22
`-- pm2@2.5.0

-#- aliases -#-
alias ginit='gcd && yo gunbot init'
-#- gunbot -#-
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  45M Jul 10 18:15 gunthy-linuxx64
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  43M Jul 10 18:15 gunthy-linuxx86
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  45M Jul 10 18:15 gunthy-macos
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  29M Jul 10 18:15 gunthy-x86.exe

No idea what is going on here. I installed everything without any errors, added my first pair but when it's done nothing actually starts. I run 'gl' and the table shows up but it's empty. Neither of the 'known errors' as described in the first post appear to be an issue. Running 'pgrep -f BTC_XXX' returns no process ID.

When I run gstart on the pair I get the following error:

The BTC_ETC config file is in /opt/gunbot/ and there is no /opt/GUNBOT_v3.3.2_Poloniex_Bittrex_Patch/ directory.

What have I buggered up?

EDIT: Oh and when I tried to log out of root user I got a message that said "Script done, file is not" and it wouldn't let me quit....

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