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Messages - dzone

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Technical Support & Development / Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.3.2
« on: June 26, 2017, 01:46:35 PM »
Hi Tanimen,

So your setup you want to sell when the High BB is met since you have 0% set. Is that right? That's how I want to use it as well, actually to be 10% over the High BB. I have tried to set a negative % but it really throws off the value...

HIGH_BB does not work

Only value of LOW_BB is being used by the bot. So a BB sell strategy could not work properly if HIGH_BB value differs from LOW_BB

I realized too late that this was the case causing me to lose some profit.

My settings,

"LOW_BB": 0,
"HIGH_BB": 50,
"GAIN": 1,

Bot is running telling me this

2017/06/26 11:33:16   ###[ --2017/06/26 11:33:16--poloniex--BTC_XRP  --  Gunbot v3.3 cycle #14514 --------------- ]
2017/06/26 11:33:16   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/06/26 11:33:16   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:33:16   Low BB:0.00010095 - High BB:0.00010540
2017/06/26 11:33:16   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:33:16   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:33:16   EMA1:0.00010267 - EMA2:0.00010267
2017/06/26 11:33:16   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:33:16   BB price to sell 0.00010539596 -- GAIN price to sell 0.0001035755
2017/06/26 11:33:16   BB price to buy 0.00010094920724659685 -- GAIN price to buy 0.00010110913166666665
2017/06/26 11:33:17   LP 0.00010058  Bal.BTC 0.01026966  Bal.XRP 13.48647333(0)
2017/06/26 11:33:18   No open orders
2017/06/26 11:33:18   boughtPrice 0.00010255
2017/06/26 11:33:18   price  falls (-8)
2017/06/26 11:33:18   PriceToBuy,1.0095,priceToSell,1.0540
2017/06/26 11:33:18   we have altcoins: 13.48647333
2017/06/26 11:33:18   LP 1.0058,<,prSell 1.0539596  secMargin 0.00004126903333333333  falls yes
2017/06/26 11:33:18   price is too low to sell
2017/06/26 11:33:18   Gunbot callback at 2017/06/26 11:33:18 cycle # 14514
2017/06/26 11:33:18   Callback:
2017/06/26 11:33:18   ---------
2017/06/26 11:33:18   waiting to sell
need faster: no
need slower: no

AS you can see my priceTobuy is equal to HIGH_BB instead of somewhere lower. So it seems it is reading the value of LOW_BB and using that as reference.
Let's check that hypothesis

My settings:
"LOW_BB": 50,
"HIGH_BB": 0,
"GAIN": 1,

Bot is running telling this

2017/06/26 11:37:14   ALLPAIR changed. Reconfig sheduled.
2017/06/26 11:37:27   ###[ --2017/06/26 11:37:27--poloniex--BTC_XRP  --  Gunbot v3.3 cycle #14529 --------------- ]
2017/06/26 11:37:28   ::::: collecting market data...
2017/06/26 11:37:28   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:37:28   Low BB:0.00010086 - High BB:0.00010541
2017/06/26 11:37:28   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:37:28   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:37:28   EMA1:0.00010255 - EMA2:0.00010255
2017/06/26 11:37:28   ***************************************************
2017/06/26 11:37:28   BB price to sell 0.00010313422 -- GAIN price to sell 0.0001035755
2017/06/26 11:37:28   BB price to buy 0.00010313422222222226 -- GAIN price to buy 0.00010107153777777782
2017/06/26 11:37:29   LP 0.00010046  Bal.BTC 0.01026966  Bal.XRP 13.48647333(0)
2017/06/26 11:37:30   No open orders
2017/06/26 11:37:30   boughtPrice 0.00010255
2017/06/26 11:37:30   price  falls (-11)
2017/06/26 11:37:30   CANCELING OPEN ORDERS
2017/06/26 11:37:30   Canceling result:  ,ok
2017/06/26 11:37:30   PriceToBuy,1.0107,priceToSell,1.0358
2017/06/26 11:37:30   we have altcoins: 13.48647333
2017/06/26 11:37:30   LP 1.0046,<,prSell 1.035755  secMargin 0.000041253688888888906  falls no
2017/06/26 11:37:30   price is too low to sell
2017/06/26 11:37:30   Gunbot callback at 2017/06/26 11:37:30 cycle # 14529
2017/06/26 11:37:30   Callback:
2017/06/26 11:37:30   ---------
2017/06/26 11:37:30   waiting to sell
need faster: no
need slower: no

As you can see now priceToSELL is somewhere lower than HIGH BB but it should be equal to HiGH_BB. It is lower because LOW_BB is set to 50%.

So to me it seems like the value of HIGH_BB is being ignored and the value of LOW_BB is being used for both SELL and BUY.

Technical Support & Development / Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.3.2
« on: June 26, 2017, 01:35:17 PM »
Hi, using the default settings and only inputting the API keys and noticing something strange.

1. The High and Low BB is not calculating in the top settings section. I have never seen this populate after numerous relaunches.

2. The BTC / ETH balance is undefined. This does show up on relaunch randomly.

3. The PriceToSell doesn't seem right. In the screenshot the priceToSell is .1068 which is near the current price and nowhere near the high BB on the 15min chart. It should be relatively near the high BB but the calculated value is below 50% of the difference between the high and low.

Any feedback is appreciated, I can't run the bot without know how this works more clearly (if this is intended).

Thanks in advance!

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