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Messages - magictrade

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thank you for the tipp, but i thing the app dont can send you gunbot-errors ?

but an app is much better, than email, but i think, that is to much to ask for ^^

Technical Support & Development / Re: Feature request
« on: June 10, 2017, 03:05:20 PM »
or whats about a checkboc at the start ?

so you can choose the pairs you want (;

Ok, i have find out, that what i mean is called "bags", right !? (;

how ever, it where very helpfull, if gunbot become a function to handle this......

maybe gunbot should only buy, if the trend is confirmed for a time.....

but this should not filter out all the bags.......

but maybe gunbot can set an order is a trade fall X% and is open for a (long) time.......

and then gunbot can go on trading in the lower level and if the market pumps again, the problem with the bag is solved (;

for example i have a pair, that are open for 19 days.....
but after a 13 days, i had set an order via hand an gunbot had make around 8 profitable trades on this pair (on the lower level)......... if i had set the order after 3-4 days, i think that it where much more (:

i think technical gunbot can do that ! and i think that would make it much more compfortable and efficient for use (:


maybe it were fine, too if gunbot log the balance each day, on a appointed time......

at the moment i try to write down my balance, every day on the same time.....
and calculate the % and profit. (and the whole profit and an average profit per day)
its interesting to see how gunbot work ......on some days it make "loss" and on the other days it make profit and so on (i know that gunbot buy an crypto and maybe the price falls more and gunbot wait for the price to go up, to sell ).


sorry iam not shure how i should write it in another way..........

what i mean is, if a coin long time gos normal up and down and then "apruptly" goes to a higher level and after a short time goes back to the old level........

the problem (that i have) with it, is that gunbot sometimes buy in the peak and then the trade is open for days or weeks, till the next peak........
and the pair is "blocked" for further trades....

the last time i have set an sell-option via hand so gunbot was able to trade this pair in the lower level....
and then there was a peak again and the old trade close with a little profit, too......

i thing the best were, if gunbot dont buy in the peak, but if that not (technical) possible, than maybe an other solution where, that gunbot detect the big difference between the buyprice and the actual price and set an sell-order on his own and go on trading on this pair (in the lower level), to make some profits till the next peak (;

another idea where an (email) notification or so on, if the price falls to much (from buying price), so that you can decide on you own, what you want to do.....

i hope your can understand what i mean ? (:


its only an idea......

if you run gunbot on an vps and let it do its job......

maybe it is helpfull, if gunbot send you an email, if there something importend or if there something, you should know or react.......

for example......... to less balance, or an message if the balance have reached an definated level or if there are rrors, that gunbot dont can handle on his own or so on..........

maybe its usefull for somebody (;

or if you are on holyday an dont want to check the gunbot every day or so on (;


i would like, an export-function, as .csv with this values:

open - time, price, fee, pair
close - time, price, fee, profit
and the settings for this trade
(maybe numbering of the trades)

and an excelfile, that can calculate this (out of the .csv):

duration, fee and % for each trade

and at the end:

amout of trades per pair,
profit per pair,
fees per pair,
average duration per pair

amout of the whole trades,
whole profit,
whole fees,
minimum, maximum and average duration for all trades

profit per day, week, month
and maybe an field for costs (like server or electricity), and maybe, maybe an field for taxes ^^

this where unbelievebil great, becouse so its very easy to analyse and search the right pairs and settings and print something for the tax office or so on......

but the most of this are excel things ^^
gunbot only need to log the few importend things, becouse i think gunbot can do this much better, that the poloniex-export-file, for example....(only with the poloniex file it is not easy to connect an buy with an sell in excel !?)
and kraken......hmmmm....i not really like the look of the side ^^...

but if i have see it right, than gunbot still log much, but separatly for each pair !? (but without the settings)

Beginners & Help / Re: GUNBOT...the way i run it!
« on: May 24, 2017, 05:40:50 PM »
i dont know, how to formulate this question, but i try (;

how does the "sell" work ?

will gunbot follow the price, till it reserve or is there a kind of "buffer"/ a distance, like if you use an trailing stop loss ?

i ask that, becouse gunbot make much good trades with 1,5-3,5%, but if i see it right, than he/it often sell, but the price only reserve a little, little bit and then goes up or rise up.... but gunbot already has selled....

ok, you can change the distance to the upper bollinger band, but then you missed the small trades !?

maybe it would make more profit, if it possible, how much the price can reserve before gunbot sell ?

this should not be a complaint ! only an idea ! but i dont realy know, how gunbot decide, when he/it sell (;

Technical Support & Development / Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« on: May 20, 2017, 03:05:43 PM »
hi gunther,

parts of that problem are solved...........

but is it possible to trade this at the same time (for example) ?:


if i have my balance split in BTC, USDT and XMR
or will this confuse gunbot ?

for me, till now no strategie is realy working constantly good  :-\


can you please, please help me or can i only get help in telegram ? (i dont have telegram): ).........

i try since a few weeks, but till now, i have not found a working concept or system ): ......

at first, my "money managment" idea is.....
for example 0,1btc start balance....
and trading with 14-20 pairs...... each pair with 0,01btc........
becouse so in the best case the hole balance is "at work" and if one trade close, the chance that a new buy-point will found is bigger/faster, becouse of a bigger amount of pairs.....(thats mean more trades = more profit (;)
and if the balance grown to 0,11btc, the 0,01btc also will use to work and so on (;
after 2-4 weeks, i will split the new balance trouth 10 and set the value as new "trading balance for each pair".....
and this system starts from begin......

but my problems with gunbot are.............

i have tried russian roulette (with different gains for each pair)......
and at first it work amazing ! (around 8% per day), becouse the btc/$ price falls,
but then the btc/$ price rise again and to much (new tradingrange), so i have much open trades and gunbot dont can work forward and wait that the btc/$ fall, or the stop-los close the trades.......
so i have missed much possible trades.....
after 4days of nothing i have closed the traids via hand, becouse the btc-price rise more and more.......
ok, under the line, i have make a little win:
0,64% per day and 4,5% in the week......
thats very pity! becouse, if i had close gunbot after the second day it has made 23,6%  !!!!!!

and atm i think the same happen, but with step-gain (serialkiller setting)....
not so good gain, like russian roulette, but around 4% per day........ but maybe thats becouse of the market and not the settings or strategie......

befor i make the test with russian roulette, i try the bollinger band, but it also make some problems.....

i know ups and downs are normal, but i think in the future btc will rise more and more and mostly if btc rise, the trend against other cryptos fall.........
but gunbot need an crypto/btc uptrend or sidetrend, to make wins ?!

or can gunbot also make good gains (with every strategie and crypto/btc), if btc/$ rise (and crypto/btc falls) like from 25.03.2017 till 04.05.2017 ?

i have try my best, to describe and hope you can understand, what i mean ? whats my problem ?.....

can you please, please tell me how you work, whats you system or how do you manage this ?

i think about to only use the crypto/btc-strategie, if btc falls.....
and if btc rise up, i like to trade btc/usdt or crypto/xmr...

or should i work with an smaller stop-los ?
so the trades get closed (with a little los), if the trend goes into a new pricerange and gunbot can open new trades and goes on working...

much profit is nice, but the truth is, i prefer a solid strategie/setting that the most time will work and where i dont have to reconfig often.....

thank you very much !

hello together,

i had already ask it, but maybe the wrong forum ?!

can somebody please tell me, how to make profits, if the btc price goes up ?

mostly if the btc price go up, like a rocket, the trend against other cryptos go down ?!

but how can gunbot make profits in this case ?

for example......

the price is low....
gunbot buy....
the price dont go up, so that gunbot dont can sell.....but the price fall more and more....
thats mean, there is an open trade, that prevents, that gunbot can make more trades....
they are now three options:
i close the trade on my own....
i wait that the price fall so deep, that the gunbot stop-los will close the trade....
i hope that the btc price go massiv down or the price of the other crypto go up....

all my balance (with very much pairs !) is in trades like that since four days and gunbot stands still....
ok, ok i can wait, but i dont think, that the price of btc will massiv fall in the next time and if i close all the trades on my own, than i think that will happen again and again..........

what can i do ?

change the "security margin" ?
or change the "% of gain" to a lower value (atm is between 1,5 and 6%, depending to the pair)

strategie is russian roulette......

ok another possibility where, to trade only usdt/btc.....
but this dont work ........

how do you make profits ? is supergun a better choise ?

at first gunbot work realy good (with russian roulette and bollinger bands) that the btc price fly to haven and it stops working....

i know ups and downs are normal, but it looks like that they are very less downs in the btc trend atm and in the future....

please help me  :(

General Discussion / gunbot dont work realy good atm ):
« on: May 10, 2017, 04:13:21 PM »
hello together,

since btc grow up so strong, gunbot dont work realy good for me....

it makes very less trades (russian roulette and before i tryed bollinger bands).........

and i have much open trades (nearly my full balance) since a few days......

ok, if btc go down or the other crypto go up, then the trades maybe close with win, but i think btc will go up, more and more in the future......

if i understand the logic of gunbot right, then gunbot dont can work very good, if btc shoot up ?

or do i use the wrong sottings or  something like that ?

how do your make profit atm ?

thank you !

General Discussion / searching for an % calculator in excel
« on: May 10, 2017, 04:06:19 PM »

here are some nice calculator and i had a look on the most, but i dont have found on, that can this (offline/excel):

copy the tradinghistory into it........

and it should calculate:

the %/win of each trade and per pair
the %/win and the payed fees and the amount of trades (per pair) per day, week, month - overall and average
the steady of each trade and per average pair

maybe a field for cost of server or electricity or so on....

and the timeframe should be chooseable

and so on......

i think so you have an full overview and can analyse, what is the best pair, the best settings and so on......

is there an tool for this ?
of course i would pay for it, but like to have it offline....

General Discussion / Re: BTC - UP / Gunbot - Margin trading?
« on: May 06, 2017, 06:39:19 AM »
Thank you for you answer !

sorry, but there are much open questions and if i look around the forums, than it looks like, that iam not the only person, that have open questions.......
i think, you have much to do, and you dont can do 1000 things at the same time….i can understand that, but we have bought an robot, and it looks like, that it works fine for some people….
but not for everybody and so it is logical, that this guys, where the robot dont work good, have questions……

i dont spam the forums with the same matterns, is ask much different things, becouse there much open questions…..
look at the homepage from haasbot, for example, there not much open questions, you dont have to search long and it is not so confusind and the support has answer my questions directly and complete…..

and you dont ask me, to stop posting support requests all over the board, you write me, that the other forum is not for support (what i dont know, till you write it) and i write the support request in this forum, becouse you list this forum, pm and telegram as supportpossabilitys….

yes i mean USDT/BTC…..
and i have try it again and it looks like it dont work !
it buy USDT low and sell it high….
maybe iam to silly, but i have try it sometimes….

How ever, atm it looks like, that russian roulette works very good for me…. I will test it and see….
the bollinger bands works for me only in with the first trades….after that, i have the problem, that i have discribed two times…

if btc rise, then mostly the price against another crypto falls, how can bollinger bands and step-gain makes profits in this case ?
and you write that russian roulette have a kind of „trailling sell“ to….
why can that not profit from the pumps ?

i think thats a problem for gunbot, becouse, if btc gos straigtly up, then the price against other kryptos often get down (=downtrend)…..
if gunbot buy and the price falls to deep, the trade stays open till it goes up again (maybe a long time), or till the stop-los is reached ???

you can trade in the directions north/south/east/vest ? wow !…….
i only know up and down, sell and buy, short and long…….. margin trading (;

why should i code a robot for this ?
i often have think about it, but i have no time and is not realy necassary, becouse there already robots, that can trade exchange, margin and can combinate much of indicators……

what should i do with nasdaq ?
i only trade kryptos, gold and devises and thats in different styles… from daytrding to „middleterm“…..

in case of gunbot….
atm gunbot makes much, very good trades on one day !!! but with russian roulette……
the last 30h gunbot has make around 7% with that ! thats for what i have gunbot bought !

General Discussion / Re: BTC - UP / Gunbot - Margin trading?
« on: May 05, 2017, 02:59:44 PM »
"A support request should been directly sent to the ones that provided you the 2cents here"

i have write you a pm on 1.5 and dont get an answer till now (;

the question is where can we realy get support ?

not in the other forum, not in this forum, not via pm...............

General Discussion / % Calcuator
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:14:44 AM »

i have an suggestion.....

i would to programm it on my self, but i dont know how.......

what do you think abaut this idea.....

its primeary for russian roulette and gain.....

i need/search a calculator, that calculates the % (from crossing ema till max from peak) for the last X days.....

min, max and average.....

and maybe the potential profit....

i think its helpfull, becouse you can analyse you pair and it can help you, to choose the best value for the % gain value in the russian roulette, 1000trades and maybe the step-gain .......

if you choose the min. % you have much trades but the min profit..... if you choose the max % you have less trades (less fees) but the max profit and so on....

theoretical is not difficult to programm this, but i dont know, how to work with api and so on.....

maybe its possible to use it with gunbot, so gunbot can automatical choose the right value (;

if i understand it right, than the bollinger band and maybe the step gain are only make profit, if you use it in an up or sidetrend....
if there a massiv grow up (from btc) it have open trades, for a while....

but russian roulette and 1000 trades should still work, becouse they only work with ema crossing as signal !?
and so i will only try this (;

General Discussion / Re: BTC - UP / Gunbot - Margin trading?
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:04:32 AM »

yes, but sorry..... idont can help you.....

i sometimes had it to....
then i close it and try to open it again..... or choose another pair.....
maybe its becouse of the "node" ?

yes, gunbot can make much profits...... if it works......

my gunbot had make a little los, becouse of the massiv grow up from btc.... but only with the bollinger bands.....

i agree with you......
i will now try only the russian roulette and if it work good, all is fine, otherwise, i will try a new robot, with more possibilitys, support and gain (;

maybe iam to silly for gunbot, who knows.....
not everybody is for every robot (;

General Discussion / Re: BTC - UP / Gunbot - Margin trading?
« on: May 04, 2017, 03:29:56 PM »
USDT/Btc would also be possible, but i think it dont work ?!?! (i have two times ask here, but no answer).......

but i think russian roulette works, becouse it works with crossing-ema as signal ?

but step-gain and bollinger band are worthless, if btc rise, i think.....

i think about, to sell my license, too.....

becouse i ask and ask and only a few questions get responded....
and i think gunbot is a very nice thing, but is not realy finished, its more beta.......

but before i will give it a second chance, with russian roulette (;

General Discussion / Re: BTC - UP / Gunbot - ?
« on: May 03, 2017, 01:44:23 PM »
and what do you thing about the btc-trend in the future ?

i think btc will rise more and more.........

but it looks like, that an problem for gunbot ?!

in this case ca tradingstyle, that can trade all directions would be better ?

my suggestian was, to make it possible to trade margin with gunbot........

atm are all my trades open sience 2 days.......
and i think btc will rise up more.....
so it is possible, that the trades a will be open for a while or till the "stop-los" close it ?


i not realy understand.....

if i had understand it right, then gunbot try to buy on the highest level, but if the highest level not reached, than on the second level and if it also not reached, then on the lowest level ???

i through 1000trades and russian roulette work both with ema-crossing as a signal....
1000trades have a fix % and russian roulette follows the price, till the trend/price turn ?

then should step-gain do the same like 1000trades , if i choose this settings ?

buy level 1,2 and 3 = around 0,1 ?

sell level 1, 2 and 3 = the same level like "% gain" on the 1000trades-page....

EMA 1 = 2
EMA 2 = 4

and if you change sell level 1, 2 and 3 against the "trailing sell", then it should do the same like russian roulette ?

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