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Author Topic: Need Gunthar's and techie's help for my new script  (Read 17825 times)

Offline Clannad

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Need Gunthar's and techie's help for my new script
« on: May 06, 2017, 09:51:11 PM »
Hi all,

I'm working on a script that will run above Gunbot, and add some more controls. Basically the idea is to start the bots that have no Alts balance when Bitcoin is high and Alts are low, and stop the bots once they have sold and when Bitcoin is low and Alts are high.

I did this 'manually', cause I had to work on my PC for a few hours, and the result was great! Hence the idea for a script that would do the same automatically. I even consider storing pairs settings in a database, and alter them dynamically according to market conditions, and from these paramaters, create a new config file right before launching each pair.

I'm on Windows 10 64, I already know how to collect the indicators I need, and how to start a pair from a script.

The issue I have is stopping a bot. I'd like to stop them in a clean way (rather than just kill the process) to make sure I don't get corrupted save files. I have no clue about how to do this in a gunbot-friendly manner so any help or suggestion would be welcomed :)

Thanks and have a great sunday