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Author Topic: New feature suggestion: combining the power of Step-Gain and Bolinger Bands  (Read 28740 times)

Offline Clannad

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Hi all,

I was thinking, about the Bolinger Bands, instead of making it a separate strategy, we could add it to the Step-Gain strategy, so we would benefit from both the powerful Step-Gain strategy and the additional BB indicator in the same strategy.

Well it is how I was thinking it should be coded, I see the Bolinger Bands and the %b as an additional indicator, like an optional filter that would help buying or selling at the best time.

We would just need to add two fields (with a check case in front of them) for the %LowBB and the %HighBB

Some might say (and they would be right) that there would be too many fields on the Step-Gain setup screen... but the good news is we can get rid of 4 fields that are actually completely useless

Indeed, in the Step-Gain strategy, we use only two levels, so we don't need 3 fields for buy and 3 fields for sell, but only two fields for each. We could get rid of the Buy Level and Sell Level fields too, we would have:
- Buy Level 1
- Buy Level 2
- Sell Level 1
- Sell level 2
And if we want to use only one level, we can just set the same value in the two fields

This is how the new interface would look like, more simple yet more powerful:

Please let me all know what you think about this proposal...

Thanks for reading

Offline e2e4

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That's so true!
I really never change the buy/sell level (without numbers), somebody does?

Offline magictrade

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can i ask you, why you dont use all three steps ?

i think, maybe it is a good idea, to make only one window for all 4 strategies, where you can combinate and choose and combinate every setting .....
and with a saveable config-file (;

Offline Clannad

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can i ask you, why you dont use all three steps ?

Because if you define 3 levels, Gunbot only considers the highest two and ignores the first ones, so whatever we set we only need 2 levels

i think, maybe it is a good idea, to make only one window for all 4 strategies, where you can combinate and choose and combinate every setting .....
and with a saveable config-file (;

Hmm... 1000trades and Russian Roulette are really different strategies, I think they can't be combined with Step-Gain...

But %BB's would fit well in Step-Gain
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 08:02:21 AM by Clannad »

Offline Klon552

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It seems. That is (kinda) already the case:


Can I set it so that I am buying with SuperGun but also restricted within a percentage from the lower BB? Or is it either one or the other for buying?

That would be interesting.

It already is like that: once you enter the BB it will wait for supergun condition to match. So if you set lowBB to 10 for example, it sill buy between 10 and 0% from the lowest BB. Same happens with sell.

But maybe you mean something different?

Offline rsalan

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It seems. That is (kinda) already the case:


Can I set it so that I am buying with SuperGun but also restricted within a percentage from the lower BB? Or is it either one or the other for buying?

In that post I think Gun meant SuperGun but not specifically the "Step Gain" strat.
That would be interesting.

It already is like that: once you enter the BB it will wait for supergun condition to match. So if you set lowBB to 10 for example, it sill buy between 10 and 0% from the lowest BB. Same happens with sell.

But maybe you mean something different?

In that post I think Gun meant SuperGun but not specifically the "Step Gain" strat.

Offline magictrade

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i not realy understand.....

if i had understand it right, then gunbot try to buy on the highest level, but if the highest level not reached, than on the second level and if it also not reached, then on the lowest level ???

i through 1000trades and russian roulette work both with ema-crossing as a signal....
1000trades have a fix % and russian roulette follows the price, till the trend/price turn ?

then should step-gain do the same like 1000trades , if i choose this settings ?

buy level 1,2 and 3 = around 0,1 ?

sell level 1, 2 and 3 = the same level like "% gain" on the 1000trades-page....

EMA 1 = 2
EMA 2 = 4

and if you change sell level 1, 2 and 3 against the "trailing sell", then it should do the same like russian roulette ?

Offline Clannad

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Well, before explaining further my idea, it seems many people didn't get that...

Buy Level 1 = 1
Buy Level 2 = 2
Buy Level 3 = 5
Buy Level = 3
= Buy Level 1 = 2
Buy Level 2 = 5
Buy Level = 2

...because even if you set 3 levels, gunbot only uses the two highest.

Offline hkmnhkmn

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The default settings of 25/25 of BB strategy might have a weakness. Please look at the big dump of altcoins yesterday.

Bot will never sell and now I'm stuck with bag of altcoin and it will take long time before this currency recovers again (it's NAV btw).

What do you suggest at this case? Changing BB sell from 25 to another? Or use another strategies?