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Messages - wootnoob

Pages: [1]
+1 for adding MACD indicator.

I'd like my bot to only buy when MACD is positive, as I have found the inbuilt strategies work well when a trend is positive (i.e. the sell price is usually higher than the buy price soon after buying), but perform poorly when the price is slipping (often simply due to the base currency is increasing in value).

Looking forward to Gunbot v9 !  ;D

SOLVED IT by adding my server ip to gui settings>websockets>hostname

Also needed to open up range of ports in the firewall for the websocket, as annoyingly it seems to choose a different one each time on startup
sudo ufw allow 5000:6000/tcp

Hi guys,

I've just installed gunbot 8 on a linux vps (ubuntu 16 lts) and the core engine runs fine, but I'm having a problem when I connect to the gui dashboard on port 5000. The 'pairs' section of the page shows the loading spinner spinning indefinitely, and if I inspect this element I see the following error:

app.3d2ce6de004cb9319853.js:sourcemap:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

If I leave it running the errors pile up into the thousands and the page hangs, and I need to kill the google chrome helper. I've disabled the firewall on the server, and I'm using MacOS / Chrome to connect.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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