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Gmon Web Console using GoTTY - linux only for now


This will give you a web console of your gmon!! Tested on ubuntu. Windows possibly to follow. If root is your only account, make a non-root user. This assumes your gunbot install is in /opt/gunbot

sudo apt-get install linuxbrew-wrapper

brew install yudai/gotty/gotty

cd ~/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gotty/v1.0.0/bin

./gotty -p 6969 gmon -p /opt/gunbot -r 20 -cs

then in a webbrowser go to http://yourserverip:6969



Tips happily accepted!
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BTC: 1F21xekEDbZwgCRqPNywhVn9ffpFs87Nan

Does this mean gmon is always running, or is it firing when you connect?
Are you able to drop to a command prompt at all, or are you just displaying gmon?

I've been using Secure Shell for Chrome, and running it as an app.... basically a TTY connection in the browser, but with the same result....  and the benefit of having full TTY access and secure access.

Nice job!

This is running gmon on the server at all times. You can't drop to a prompt for security reasons.

SSH extension is a good alternative but I personally wanted to make it easy to get a read-only report from gmon at a web url.


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