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Messages - Zoro

Pages: [1]
Aloha all together!

Could someone tell me plz, when and if there will be another release with GUI implimentation (for any OS)? Thx in advance. 

Beginners & Help / Re: GUNBOT...the way i run it!
« on: May 27, 2017, 08:24:31 PM »
Hey redindan, thx for the info!

Ohhh wow itīs quiet pricy.... hmmmm, maybe i try to craft something similiar for my home use....

have you tried it? is it worth 0.05BTC ? (first i would like to compensate the expenses for gunbot)

Beginners & Help / Re: GUNBOT...the way i run it!
« on: May 25, 2017, 09:19:25 PM »
Any info on how I get beautiful stats using the Poloniex trading history export?

I guess it's some sort of template when you put your trades in one tab and it displays stats on another. Is is available anywhere? Running since Monday (maybe not the best week for alts). Will post my results next week.


Yep i am interested too in such a template (?!) would be nice not to craft one for yourself, the one gunthar posted his examples with looked solid...

Beginners & Help / Re: GUNBOT...the way i run it!
« on: May 23, 2017, 10:10:04 AM »
Awesome work gunthar! :-*

Thanks a lot for your effort. Also thanks for your explainations, they are very welcome. As i startetd with 3.1b i was confused but this is history now with your new "tutorial-explaination".
One thingy I recognized is the statistics tab- maybe itīs my box or so, but the collected recommended trade pairs only are visible when i mark them, otherwise the window remains dark.
Is this on purpose or is it an error on my side?

best regards

Beginners & Help / Re: Gunbot Configuration Guide (WIP)
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:38:22 PM »
Hello all together :)

I am completky new to this kind of things so maybe my question is more then unadequate (so forgive me in advance please), but can anyone of you explain in a simple way, what the new features or differences are between the existing trading mechanics? ( BB - Step gain, the original config?-1000 trades- russian roulette)

@ jroddingham

thank you very much for your time and work on the BB-explanation, thats much appreciated!

my best greetings in the round


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