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Messages - hynyxtvia

Pages: [1]

For anyone who's found that they would prefer it if their Gunbot individual pair configs would override the ALLPAIRS instead of the other way around (for example, so that it is easier to use specific settings for some pairs, while using ALLPAIRS for the rest of them), I've uploaded a small tool up onto Github that does this.

Here's the link, instructions on downloading/using it are included on the Github page.

You can move your previous balance over to the 'lending' part of your account to keep it from being sold. It won't actually be lent out unless you actually go and explicitly choose to do so by setting a rate and clicking lend (or whatever it is, I've never lent out before), etc.

Allow (through an option somewhere) to allow pair-specific configs to override all-configs

This may look like a reversal of the recent update that allowed all-pairs to override individual.

I'm requesting the option to once again allow individual to override all pairs, perhaps through an option (so as to not affect users who are now relying on individuals having highest priority) - for example, being able to run with a flag:
./gunthy-linuxx64 BTC_LBC poloniex --pair-priority=0

Or anything to the same effect.

My reason for requesting this is that it will allow 'general' settings to be used by default, but individual pairs to be tuned based on preferences/market conditions/etc. without affecting all the other pairs in the same directory that wish to follow the general config.

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