GUNBOT: The automatic profit generator > Beginners & Help

Risk Management / Position Sizing


Hi. When trading, I’m used to position sizing and risk management. I saw, that I can set the maximum amount per trade and a stop loss. However, I couldn’t find an option to, e.g., set a stop loss relative to my portfolios total value. Example: let’s say, I have 1000 USDT on my an account and would like to take max 2.5% (25 USDT) risk per trade. Is there a way to configure a bot in a way that the money I loose with a trade, when the stop loss triggers, is 25 USDT — instead of setting a percentage distance to the entry price? Thanks!

Hi,Be careful using it as it could be a mess for strategies like Spot Grid or SGH. If you want to create it you could:

"TRADING_LIMIT": " (parseFloat(this.pair.whatstrat.TL_PERC)/100*this.pair.walletBalance)"

Enter this line in an AC-Job in overrides and add "TL_PERC" to your strategy and/or overrides. This should do what you want it to do: Set TL as your set % of walletBalance.


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