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Messages - mcsewnab

Pages: [1]
Diesel has it. If you are using Polo add a linked account and move your bag there. Once its there find the break even/profit price and put in a manual sell order for it on the linked account.

The downside of that is the capital is tied up until it sells. Ideally you would have enough BTC to cover your max trade x pairs plus 1/2 as a buffer.

Beginners & Help / Re: Bearish market and bags
« on: October 04, 2017, 01:32:49 AM »

I keep a close eye on BTC price and if that starts to drop I watch trade activity and when it starts to slow down I turn off buys. There have been times when I shut off buys for an hour or other times days.

When I start seeing some of my existing bags start to move up again I'll turn buys back on.

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