
GUNBOT: The automatic profit generator => Technical Support & Development => Topic started by: 125xx on February 29, 2020, 02:33:53 AM

Title: binanceFutures positions opening but not closing
Post by: 125xx on February 29, 2020, 02:33:53 AM
Hi! [sorry, I posted this in general originally by accident]

I'm having issues closing positions on binanceFutures.

gunthy-linux Logs look like so -
Config.js -

It will print its attempts to close positions for hours, but never does.

Is there any way to get better granularity on whats happening here? Can the API calls be traced/logged to a file or the server-side responses?

I'm really struggling and just grabbed an ultimate license... I have to make all position closes manually :(

Appreciate any help!
Title: Re: binanceFutures positions opening but not closing
Post by: 125xx on February 29, 2020, 04:24:47 AM
More on this.  So I setup a proxy and intercepted the API calls to binance.

When gunbot is attempting to BUY against a SELL [close a short] - it sends: timestamp=1582949894415&recvWindow=5000&symbol=BTCUSDT&quantity=-2&type=LIMIT&side=BUY&newClientOrderId=<clientID>&price=8747.8&timeInForce=GTC&signature=<sig>  to

However, is returning:

    "code": -1102,
    "msg": "Mandatory parameter '-2' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed."

Thus, the position isn't being closed.

Why is this? Is this a bug or a setting I need to tweak to ensure this param is passed?
Title: Re: binanceFutures positions opening but not closing
Post by: CryptoDROI on March 01, 2020, 02:08:21 AM
Why don't you ask your reseller to add you to the Official Gunthy Elite Channel on Telegram, I'm sure you have a better chance to get help there if you post your issue.

Hope it Helps.
Title: Re: binanceFutures positions opening but not closing
Post by: Aitor on March 09, 2020, 09:11:45 PM
It was known issue. It's fixed on latest Gunbot version: