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Messages - ctradingbot1

Pages: [1]
Beginners & Help / How does Gunbot react on external interference?
« on: August 24, 2017, 09:14:22 PM »

I wondered if there are any securities built into the Gunbot to deal with internet cutoff or temporary time-out from exchange API?
I mean... I have a computer running 24/7, but sometimes I'm suffering from internet shutdowns and then I have to manually reboot my router (I'm still figuring out how to solve this). Other scenario i'm thinking of is exchange going down for short period (30 minutes for example).

I'm considering buying a gunbot, but I was wondering how these shutdowns will affect the trading bot.
Will all the buy/sell orders been removed? Or will existing buy/sell orders still remain in such a case?

Thanks for your insights.


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