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Topics - TwoScoops

Pages: [1]
Technical Support & Development / TradingView Config
« on: May 19, 2018, 09:58:28 PM »
I can't seem to get the tradingview extension to work. When the email is checked it just says " Done fetching all messages"

I'm pretty sure I have all my config settings correct.

Email contains: BUY_BITFINEX_BTC-EOS

I've tried from command line & gui. Also from fresh install. Could someone with a working tradingview setup confirm this setting in the config file??Should it have the brackets ect?:       
"authorized_froms": "[\"\"]"

   "bot": {
      "debug": false,
      "BOT_DELAY": 1,
      "BOT_CCLEAN": 2,
      "RESERVE_PILE_UP": false,
      "interval_ticker_update": 25000,
      "period_storage_ticker": 2000,
      "timeout_buy": 60000,
      "timeout_sell": 60000,
      "TV_GAIN": 0.6,
      "TV_TRADING_LIMIT_BUY": 0.001,
      "TV_PYRAMID": true,
      "PYRAMID_BUY": true,
      "TV_TRADING_LIMIT_SELL": 0.001,
      "TV_PROTECTION": true,
      "TV_TRADING_LIMIT_CAP": 0.9,
      "VERBOSE": true,
      "WATCH_MODE": false,
      "withdraw_address": "YOURBTCADDRESSHERE",
      "withdraw_threshold": 0.5,
      "TELEGRAM_ENABLED": false,
      "TELEGRAM_NICK": "Gunbot",
      "TOKEN": "put_your_TOKEN_here",
      "chat_id": "put_your_TELEGRAM_ID_here"
   "ws": {
      "port": 5001,
      "clientport": 3000,
      "hostname": ""
   "imap_listener": {
      "enabled": true,
      "authorized_froms": "[\"\"]",
      "user": "MYEMAIL@MYEMAIL.COM",
      "password": "THISISMYPASSWORD",
      "host": "",
      "port": 993,
      "tls": true,
      "tlsOptions": {
         "rejectUnauthorized": false

Beginners & Help / Kraken USD Pairs
« on: December 28, 2017, 03:24:51 AM »
I'm doing my first setup and can't get USD or USDT pairs working with kraken. BTC-ETH works but BTC-USD brings up invalid symbol on the tradingview chart. I've searched and can't find any info and have tried every possible combination for the USD pairs. Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Pages: [1]