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Topics - labba

Pages: [1]
Beginners & Help / Bot delay for binance
« on: January 27, 2021, 12:53:06 PM »

what delay are you using for botting at Binance? When I hover the Delay value it tells me that for Binance it can be lower then 10.

So how low can you go without getting a ban?

Beginners & Help / Change Api Key from Bittrex to Binance
« on: December 29, 2020, 02:44:23 PM »
Hi all,
I have some issues with changing the API key from Bittrex to Binance.
I have not been using gunbot for a while, but I have my gunthy token etc. So I have my adress where I can see my token.
When I start the gunbot client, I go into where you change your license, then I see Bittrex with my old (do not exist anymore) api key. I have api key and secret for this, but Bittrex removed it from my bittrex account (due to verification of ID issue).

I change there to binance and input the new API master key and press save.

The issue here is that it won't change, the console is spitting out Error: "APIKEY_INVALID", probably due to the bittrex api key do not exist anymore.

What should I do? Can I change this thru my profile some other way or something?

Thanks in advance and happy christmas to you all.

Technical Support & Development / Old API Key -> Gunthy Wallet help
« on: May 24, 2019, 09:41:40 AM »

I used GUNTHY in the old system where gunthy wallet did not exist. But now I need to convert my old API key to the new system ofc. So I have created a GUNTHY wallet and have my address and old market keys. Is there anyone that can help me with the last step so I can get my license?

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