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Messages - beer-k0in

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I'm testing this on a Raspberry Pi 2 I have that is running 24/7 as a home theater PC. The OS is OSMC which is Debian based.

I'm sorry, this generator does not support systems with ARM cpus. You need a special executable to run Gunbot on a PI (gunthy-armv6 or gunthy-armv7) but they are not supported by the generator.


it would be nice if the Monitor can showing in a Website :-)

It's on the wishlist. Maybe some day. :)


What have I buggered up?

Can you provide me the output of this command:

Code: [Select]
echo "-#- release -#-" && cat /etc/*release && echo "-#- nodejs -#-" && node -v && echo "-#- modules -#-" && npm -g ls generator-gunbot pm2 && echo "-#- aliases -#-" && cat ~/.bashrc | grep ginit && echo "-#- gunbot -#-" && ls -lah /opt/gunbot/ | grep gunthy


Would be great if this didn't require all this /root/ access. Could you possibly update this so it can work in $HOME?

There is no update planed in the near future.

But you can copy and modify the install script to fit your needs.
"ginit" is just an alias for "cd /opt/gunbot && yo gunbot init". So if you install Gunbot as a non root user into $HOME, you can just go to that Gunbot folder and run "yo gunbot init" and use the generator to create your files and start the bot.


Please provide an option to turn off the color. Or to invert the major colors. I run a white-background terminal and I cannot read the monitor with all that yellow and blue. Thanks!

I'll add it to the wishlist.
In the meantime: Most terminal apps allow you to set profiles with individual color settings. So you can create a new profile and change the colors the way you like it:


I have another question. Is it possible to edit the configs of all pairs at once. When I use 'ginit' I can edit all pairs, but I can't edit settings of 'POLONIEX_VWA_1_INTERVAL' / 'POLONIEX_VWA_2_INTERVAL' or 'MAX_LATEST_PRICES' (for example).

This generator should help new users to get the Gunbot up and running in notime. The target group are new users, so the generator has only a few options to not overwhelm one.

To enhance it and include all existing options I would have to invest more time into the generator, but I don't have any spare time right now to "give for free". I would have to stop/delay other payed projects to be able to work on the generator - and that means I'd also need to charge for it. And I don't think there are a lot people willing to pay, so all I can say: Maybe later sometime, maybe not.

You can always edit the config files manually.

If we edit ALLPAIRS or the coin configs is the hot config load working from the gunbot directory?

It is. No matter how you change the files. The Gunbot watches them and recognizes if a file was saved.

Also I noticed after ginit or gadd the DEFAULT_CURRENCY_PAIRY is BTC_ETH that doesn't seem correct does it?

This is ignored as far as I know. I run a lot of pairs and all of them have that setting.


What am I doing wrong?

Nothing, you are doing it 100% correct.
Just hit ENTER after the command "chmod +x ./" and you are able to run this:

Code: [Select]

You are creating this script in your home directory, so you need to be in your home directory to run this script. In case it does not work, do another step before:

Code: [Select]


You could use commands like "gstop all" and "gstart all" and "pm2 stop all" and "pm2 start all" but unless they've been modified since I last looked at them, they just start and stop them quickly, which makes places like polo and kraken run into API limits.  So that's why I wrote the scripts.

"gstop all" and "gstart all" are still the same and will cause API errors on Kraken and Poloniex. I added a link to your scripts to the first post of this thread.
Thanks cw!


This is the error I am currently getting. Not sure why I am getting it. Any idea?

Your machine is running out of memory.


Works on my fresh DO Ubuntu 16.04.2 x64:

So lets stop using this generator until I have time to investigate and solve that fucking pm2 issue.


Is there a way to reset the monitor? It shows the old pairs that i don't use anymore

Delete all files from your gunbot folder for those coins.
Or use parameter -H:

Code: [Select]
-H, --hide-inactive <hours>  Hides trading pairs which last log entry is older than given hours. Min = 1, max = 854400. [Default: 720]

I tried to start the monitor today but I get the following error

Thank you for reporting that error. I just released a bugfix for this:

Code: [Select]
npm install -g gunbot-monitorto update gmon on your server to version v.0.0.39


Is there a way to see all the trades that gunbot made? and maybe the profit?

You can try gmon:

But the current calculation of the number of trades and the profit are not 100% correct right now. On Bittrex they are off by up to 50%


Ok, it looks like this happens only when I call gmon with the -P option enabled. Probably a bug of the "profit" option then (the monitor says that "-P" is bugged, but I though that this would influence only the displayed profit and not the rest too).

As mentioned in the first post and in gmon -h:
Code: [Select]
-P, --profit                 Use to activate the parsing of the profit. THIS WILL SLOW DOWN YOUR SYSTEM!
So only run -P if you have a fast system, because it parses your whole files.

Trying to update gmon.

And you successfully did. Ignore those warnings.


I update generator and now all files are filled, but bot do not accept them.
market-BTC_XXX-config.js - was empty,  ALLPAIRS.params.js - filled.
I reconfigured market-BTC_XXX-config.js with configurator, but bot do not accept new config. I check bot log and found that if I change ALLPAIR only then BOT change configs. What I messed up?

The files for each PAIR are in that syntax: market-BTC_XXX-config.js You need to adjust that for your actual market and pair - I do not know what you are running, so I only provide a general file name. Depending on your config those file could look like this:

Please check for such files.


Hi BK, nice work with gmon :) Is it possible to change the buy/sell prices to BTC instead of USD?

All prices are in BTC.


Question though, on several pairs I keep getting messages saying "No LP found".  What causes this and what does it mean?  BTW I'm using Poloniex so I'm suffering with the 422 errors a lot and I'm running about 50 pairs. 

Check the last 55 lines of the logs of that pair. gmon only reads the last 55, so if there are only errors, it can not useful data to display.

Beer money on the way! Get something good, none of that IPA crap.

Thanks! I don't like IPA that much.  8)

I would really like to see support for ETH and USDT pairs!
Also, when there is 0 available BTC, I noticed that there is simply no message ("Available BTC: --blank--") instead of a more meaningful "Available BTC: 0.0".

Could you check the next version. v0.0.38 should work with ETH and USDT now.
Code: [Select]
npm install -g gunbot-monitor

Secure SSH connections via a Chrome app.  Once I had it set up with font sizes correctly, I now have a link saved to open the app, and can keep GMON running  in my browser. That means I can run it from any chrome browser I can log into from any location/device, which is my goal...  8)

Nice one!


I install configurator and configure pairs. Configurator start pair, but config file is empty. Does anyone know why?

Which config file is empty? There are 2:
- ALLPAIRS.params.js --> that will be empty
- market-BTC_XXX-config.js --> should not be empty

One more question. Is it possible to manually add a new pair with a fairly new coin, that is not yet supported by script but is already on exchange? For example BTC_CFI, BTC_CANN, etc.

You can always run Gunbot without this generator. All you have to do is copy a config file and start the gunbot. You can use pm2:
Code: [Select]
pm2 start ./gunthy-linuxx64 --name "BTC_XXX" -- BTC_XXX bittrex
But I updated the generator to support those new coins now:
Code: [Select]
npm install -g generator-gunbot


I need a bit of help with my gunbot initial startup.

Try this script. It prints out everything. Maybe you get a hint what goes wrong.

Code: [Select]
curl -sL | bash -- && exec bash

Node.js 7.x is nearly deprecied, not supported on last ubuntu and debian stretch.

Debian 9 does not support Node.js 7.x. But Ubuntu 17.04. does.

Anyways, I will update the script to the new Node.js 8.x soon.


How do you find Polo IP?

Actually polo uses 2 IPs: and (Bittrex and Kraken using 5).

A tool to get IPs for a domain name is nslookup:

Code: [Select]
$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:


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