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Messages - DaleyEdster

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Is Gunthy Still Going?
« on: December 31, 2024, 01:52:45 PM »
None of that makes any sense but thanks

General Discussion / Is Gunthy Still Going?
« on: December 28, 2024, 12:34:45 PM »
Hello all. I purchased a license WAY back in 2017 and then upgraded to Pro in 2022. I haven't used the bot for a very long time (I didn't even use it after upgrading I don't think). Anyway, I want to start using a bot now for some ping-pong trades. Is the Gunbot still going and supported? I did have the 1000 Gunthy tokens in an old wallet but not sure I have access to it any more.

Is it worth pursuing trying to get it all back up or shall I look for a different bot?

I have the same issue but I'm on Poloniex.

I'm using a new PC and installed V6 XT / configured everything from scratch using the GUI. I previously used V5 on my laptop which worked ok. It's just hanging at 'Loading exchange Poloniex'.

Anybody got any ideas? Is there anything special that I need to install on my PC? I ran my config file through an online JS checker and it said it was all good.

I've turned off imap listener, tls etc but still the same

If it helps anyone else - my issue was that I added my Poloniex pairs with a '-' instead of a '_'. Re-added them with the correct label and all now seems to be running ok.

I have the same issue but I'm on Poloniex.

I'm using a new PC and installed V6 XT / configured everything from scratch using the GUI. I previously used V5 on my laptop which worked ok. It's just hanging at 'Loading exchange Poloniex'.

Anybody got any ideas? Is there anything special that I need to install on my PC? I ran my config file through an online JS checker and it said it was all good.

I've turned off imap listener, tls etc but still the same

General Discussion / Re: Yield in version 3.3.2 vs newest 4.x
« on: September 10, 2017, 08:16:43 AM »
V3 = bag producer
V4 = bag reducer
V5 will be the all singing, all dancing one. ;-)

General Discussion / Re: Gunbot Telegram Group - Senseless Commands
« on: September 10, 2017, 08:10:29 AM »
This will stop about 4 of the hundreds of useless comments that are posted in there every day. #wasteoftime

I thought that the sell fees were taken off the amount after selling and not on top of the sale price. I've sold plenty of times with a zero BTC balance.

General Discussion / Re: Gunbot bought 3 lots of the same alt coin
« on: September 10, 2017, 08:04:35 AM »
Gunbot should never sell at a loss! Is there something wrong in your settings?

Do you want to post your config file (minus secret!) so we can have a look?

Technical Support & Development / Re: My Idea for future 4.0.x releases
« on: August 29, 2017, 09:46:39 AM »
+1! Good idea

 nice affiliate link. ;-)

General Discussion / Re: My first results with Gunbot 4.0.1 patch #4013
« on: August 24, 2017, 10:26:52 PM »
Why aren't you running your bots? I thought the whole idea of it wad that it trades while you sleep etc?

It takes 5 mins to set up on either platform so it's whatever you prefer to use.

Technical Support & Development / Feature Request - Automatic Sell Order
« on: August 19, 2017, 10:17:32 PM »
Apologies if this has already been requested but is there chance of adding the feature of GB raising an automatic sell order as soon as it makes a purchase? I know GB tries to sell at %GAIN or better but prices jump up and down so rapidly that the opportunity to sell may have been and gone within the time of the next update from the exchange (40 secs or whatever you set it to). If there was some kind of override that you could set to place a sell order at BUY + x% that'd be great. Of course GB would then have to ignore buying that coin again until it was sold etc. Thoughts?

What is your GAIN setting? It might be more useful if you post your config file (not including your secret!).

here is a tip guntar to add tot eh bots BB bounce. if Middle band is < then prior middle band (.02 tolrence (is if current is 55.89 proir 55.885)) do not trade  a good away to avoid automatic down trends....
ok backtesting this

How did the backtesting go?

Technical Support & Development / Re: Manual Sell Orders Cancelled
« on: August 18, 2017, 08:59:23 PM »
As far as I know it won't ignore your coins unless you remove the pair from your config file. Alternatively you can move them to a separate trading account.

Technical Support & Development / Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v4.0.4
« on: August 17, 2017, 09:00:01 PM »
Ouch!  :(

General Discussion / Re: My first results with Gunbot 4.0.1 patch #4013
« on: August 13, 2017, 10:06:39 PM »
Care to share what your 'tweaks' were? ;-)

Sounds very interesting! Care to share full details either on here on via PM so that I can test it out? Second opinion and all that. ;-)

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