GUNBOT: The automatic profit generator > Beginners & Help
Kucoin API - Rate Limit Exceeded
Hi there,
I'm getting a rate limit exceeded warning from Kucoin:
RateLimitExceeded: kucoin GET 429 Too Many Requests {"code":"429000","msg":"Too Many Requests"}
at kucoin.handleHttpStatusCode (/snapshot/node14Win/node_modules/ccxtKucoin/js/base/Exchange.js:569:19)
at /snapshot/node14Win/node_modules/ccxtKucoin/js/base/Exchange.js:601:18
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at async timeout (/snapshot/node14Win/node_modules/ccxtKucoin/js/base/functions/time.js:195:24)
at async kucoin.fetchOrderBook (/snapshot/node14Win/node_modules/ccxtKucoin/js/kucoin.js:849:26) {
constructor: [Function: RateLimitExceeded]
Fetching orderbook again.{"name":"RateLimitExceeded"}
kucoin - throwing error: "Fetching orderbook again.{\"name\":\"RateLimitExceeded\"}"
Error: Fetching orderbook again.{"name":"RateLimitExceeded"}
at errorHandler (/snapshot/node14Win/ctx/js/kucoin.js)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
I can't tell if it's affecting trading or not, and can't find any guidance on how to change the API request rate?
is it in the config.js under "bot" for either of these?:
"tick_interval": 30,
"interval_ticker_update": 25000,
Which are set at the default values. Do I need to change either of these, or something else (also what are the units?)
Thanks in advance!
Hi, try stopping the bot for some minutes and start it again with a higher delay.
I increased my delay to the max of 60 second and I still get the rate limit exceeded. Is it because I am trading three pairs at once?
The minimum delay you can use depends on your connection, your settings... I would stop the bot for 15 minutos and try again with 60. If you get the same, try increasing it a bit more.
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